Lovable Friday!


1. Trip to California!
1. Trip to California!

Next week the hubs and I will be heading to the west coast to join in the festivities for his cousin’s high school graduation in Folsom, CA. Although we will only have one day to enjoy the amazing-ness that is San Francisco, I will take it! The hubs grew up in the Bay Area so no doubt his heart strings will be pulled hard and tight – can’t make any promises that we will want to come back! ;) This also means that Melificent will be devoid of any posts next week, so try not to miss me too much! Hopefully I’ll return with some great posts about my trip. On an aside, I have no idea what to pack for our day in SF! This Miami girl does not know how to handle drastically changing day-to-night weather! Yipes!

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Lovable Friday!


1. The Band from TV Gig
1. The Band from TV Gig

I am so excited that this Saturday I will be seeing Greg Grunberg, Adrian Pasdar and the rest of The Band from TV perform at the Shore Club on South Beach! I’ll be sharing the adventure with fellow Miami blogger, Rosy, and will definitely be taking as many pictures and videos as humanly possible to share with all of you on Monday! My fangirl switch has definitely been turned all the way to 10, but I also have to say that it felt good donating to charity (which I try to do as much as possible). For those of you that are interested, tickets are still available and can be purchased here! I hope to see some of you there!

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Lovable Friday!


1. WorkChic Blog
1. WorkChic Blog

As a girl that struggles putting together appropriate and chic outfits for the office, I can truly appreciate the advice given on the WorkChic blog. Unlike other working girl blogs, they cover a variety of different budgets as well as different levels of formality from casual to professional and everything in between. My difficulties stem from having to put together business casual outfits while knowing that I will be working with children. Plus, I tend to gravitate more towards the “fun clothes” while shopping. Hopefully by putting WorkChic on my list of favorite blogs, I can be inspired to be one hot office fashionista ;) [Read more…]

Fashion Nugget

I absolutely love shopping. I love clothes. I am  your typical girly girl.
One of my favorite shopping tips is to look for items online. You may be able to find items that you wouldn’t usually find out at local shops. Plus, you are less likely to run into someone wearing your exact outfit (embarrassing). Since Miami isn’t the best for thrifting, it’s all I got to find original pieces. Thanks to my good friend (& fellow knottie), Roxy, I was able to discover a new site that can give you loads of inspiration when it comes to fashion: Polyvore.


Polyvore gives fashionistas the opportunity to mix and match items from their favorite stores to create perfect outfits that they can share with others. How amazing is that dress featured above? I am totally obsessed with it, but unfortunately it is only available on a UK site that charges $50 for shipping alone!

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Lovable Friday!


1. El Sanchez Photoshoots
1. El Sanchez Photoshoots

Nothing describes a more perfect weekend than going out for a photoshoot with my husband. Although photography is just his hobby, he is extremely passionate about it (as well as talented). Even though sometimes I get embarrassed when posing out in public for his shots, I always tend to love the results when I finally relax and get comfortable. This weekend we’ll be heading to the Fair for a photoshoot with a bunch of friends. Can’t wait!

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Lovable Friday!


1. Surprise Gifts
1. Surprise Gifts

I ordered a big girl item from my friend, Nadia’s, Etsy store (which I featured earlier this month) and I was excited to get the package the other night. What I wasn’t expecting was the adorable surprise included: Smashing Pumpkin clippies! For those 2 people that still do not know, I am a huge Pumpkins fan and have been since I was about 13/14 years old. Unfortunately, I just got the most terrible news also this week: Drummer, Jimmy Chamberlin, decided to leave the band. I don’t know if I can fully be behind a band with the Pumpkins’ name without Jimmy being involved. We’ll see. Either way, these clippies made me smile from ear to ear & I plan on wearing them a lot. Actually, I’m wearing them right now! I love my friends.

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Hair today, gone tomorrow.

I haven’t cut my hair for 8 months and you can tell.

I tend to hold off this long when I am trying to grow it out because I fear the stylist cutting too much and having to start all over again after I’ve made so much progress. I’m there right now. Even though I don’t want to grow my hair out super long (like it was), I still would like it to hit past my shoulders at some point this year. But right now it’s just so bleh.

So I’m going to make an appointment for next month, but I need help!
Help me pick a style – which number should I go with:

1. Nicole Richie
1. Nicole Richie
2. Kristin Cavallari
2. Kristin Cavallari
3. Random Short-haired Model
3. Random Short-haired Model

Lovable Friday!


1. 500 Days of Summer
1. 500 Days of Summer

This movie just instantly had me. And I haven’t even seen it. In fact, it won’t come out until July but there is just something to its lovable quirkiness that makes me certain that it will be one of my all time favorites. The movie is about Tom, a hopeless romantic, that is caught off guard when his girlfriend, Summer, breaks up with him. This causes him to go back and relive all 500 days that they were together to try to see where they went wrong. Hint: it wasn’t in the fashion or looks department. These two are absolutely adorable! Check out the trailer here.

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Lovable Friday!


1. So NoTORIous
1. So NoTORIous

Yes, it’s an old show. No, I never watched it. Until now. And although it makes my brain bleed because of its complete stupidity, I can’t help but love Zachary Quinto‘s character, Sasan (gah, I lurve him). Sasan is based on Tori Spelling’s real-life very gay personal assistant and Mr. Quinto nails it (a little too?) perfectly! After knowing him solely as creeptastic Sylar, there were a few moments where I literally laughed out loud at the pure ridiculousness that spewed from his mouth. Case in point: “I’m gay, Iranian, and Muslim. All my identities hate each other. It’s a miracle my complexion is as flawless as it is.” Epic.

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Lovable Friday!


Watchmen Premiere
1. Watchmen Premiere

Finally after what feels like a terribly long wait, the Watchmen movie premieres tonight!!! I’ve been reading the comic (almost done with all 12) and must say it is amazing. I’ve heard early reviews already and the movie seems to live up to the greatness of the comic, which is quite the feat. The hubs and I along with about 10 of our friends (no joke) have tickets for Saturday at the IMAX theater. Much excitement.

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