The Fangirl Diaries

If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, this is old news, but I wanted to spread the word about my new side project. Don’t worry, Melificent is not going anywhere! I just wanted an outlet to share more of my hobbies, so a few friends and I created The Fangirl Diaries. It will be a YouTube channel and podcast where we can discuss our favorite fandoms. It’s a totally new avenue for me, being all-video-all-the-time, but I am beyond excited to get it rolling.

We released our teaser video last week, along with our Facebook fanpage, and we are already at 81 fans as of today! Squee! I will be recording our first vlog hopefully next week reviewing Series 3 of BBC’s Sherlock. I also want this project to be an open collaboration. That is, if you want to join in on the fun: the doors are open! We will be recruiting guests for almost all our podcasts, so make sure you shoot us an email at or send us a private message via Facebook if you are interested.

Finally, show us some love on all our social media accounts;

Lovable Friday

1. Although my eyes immediately fixate on hot heels, the reality of the matter is that I wear flats the most. I work with kids all day, every day and when I have time to relax, half of the time I don’t feel like fighting with a pair of uncomfortable stilettos. That’s why I’m trying to train my brain to become enamored with cute flats just as much. These are definitely a good place to start. They are adorable, look comfy and adhere to my “put a bow on it” mantra. Sold.

2. Thanks to the launch (& soon to be finale – sniff) of Sherlock’s series 3, I’m having a hard time focusing on anything else. Cue adorable Sherlock print from this Australian seller and I can’t handle myself. The feels are serious OK?!?!

3. As if I needed another excuse to grow my nail polish collection, Gwen Stefani goes ahead and partners with OPI. I obviously need every single one, but if I was made to pick only one shade, I would go with Hey Baby. But let’s be real. When do I ever just choose one? Intervention imminent.

4. I don’t know why I continue to expose myself to new and potentially wallet-ruining sites. Me & Zena is one of those. They have amazingly fun and unique jewelry pieces that not only call to me, but basically scream my name repeatedly. This unicorn necklace currently has me on speed dial.

5. I know it may be overkill at this point, but I love me a good chevron print. Leave it to Dwell Studio to cook up such a great looking coffee table in it. The price is definitely not right, but I am definitely enjoying it from afar.

Themed Nails: Gatsby & Sherlock

So if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I took on not one, but TWO themed parties in the span of a week. Some may call it crazy, I call it a challenge. First off was our Great Gatsby New Years Eve bash. I had a lot of fun decorating our place with glitter, sequins and fringe, but lets be honest. What gets me most excited are the themed mani’s that come along with events!

I didn’t have a whole lot of time, so I had to look over great tutorials, such as this one, before settling on the one you see above (reference). I have to say that it was a super easy manicure to achieve and it looked fantastic! I was complimented on it for days afterwards and it held up nicely.

Gatsby Nails
Two coats of Essie‘s Shifting Power
Two coats of China Glaze‘s Smoke & Ashes, stopping a little short to create the reverse french effect
One heaping coat of Sally Hansen‘s Big Matte Top Coat only over the black portion

Only a few days later, we hosted a viewing party for the new series of BBC’s Sherlock, which I can honestly say is my new favorite show. I have an unhealthy addiction to it and just can’t get enough. It’s been awhile since I’ve felt the fangirl burn inside of me so bright! Of course, I would have these feelings for a show that only airs 3 episodes every 2 years. I hate you, Moffat. But all that aside: FINGERNAILS (reference).

Sherlock Nails
One coat of Sinful ColorsSnow Me White (or any white polish) over all fingers except your accent
Three coats of Essie‘s Bouncer It’s Me on all nails
Create the Union Jack on your accent nail using a toothpick (it works even better than my dotting tools!)
For the red, I used Essie‘s Aperitif

Also, remember to exercise patience while trying to pull off these manicures. I often do not succeed, but I’m trying my best to learn to sit still! Doing nail art while watching a movie or TV show tends to help keep me occupied.

Lovable Friday!

1: I know I was gushing over constellations and zodiac signs just last Lovable Friday, but I can’t help myself. These constellation earrings are so gorgeous! I had to go on a little bit of a wild goose hunt to find them, and unfortunately the Etsy store that makes them was overwhelmed with orders for the buggers so none will be available until after Christmas. Blame it on Pinterest.
2: So this may be a Lovable Friday first. I am featuring something I already went ahead and purchased! This Boston Terrier onesie pajama is just too perfect for words. I had to run to my nearest Target to pluck one up for myself. It is effing adorable and now on sale for $14.99 – how could you go wrong?
3: I was not aware of the Girls with Glasses show, but I’m pretty sure I will love them immensely. I mean, look at these perfect holiday outfits they put together. And those glittery glasses? OMGz, total must have. Best part is they probably created them via DIY. Totes jels.
4: I’m a sucker for personalized pencils. Is that weird? They are the first thing I look into when throwing a shower/event/etc. I just find them so fun and I might have an unhealthy obsession with writing instruments. As usual, Kate Spade takes everything one step further in the cute department, and has done no different with these cute idiom pencils. They are the perfect stocking stuffers or could make their way into a bridal shower favor. Grab yours here.
5: Warby Parker is not the new kid on the block anymore – in fact, 90% of my friends are usually sporting a pair of their trendy shades at any given moment. However, I do love how, despite incredible popularity, they are constantly trying to up their style game. Most recently they have paired up with the creative genius, Beck, to create the limited edition Carmichael line. These two shades (more to come soon) embrace quirkiness and charm – just like Beck himself.

It is to be noted that some of the content on this post was sponsored.

Lovable Friday!

1. I’ve always been super mesmerized by the zodiac. My mother had this incredible 70’s era book when I was growing up that physically described each sign (among other things). I was legit obsessed with it. I’m pretty sure I carried it with me everywhere. When I was older, I had my astrological chart read, and although the majority of it was a big flop, I still live for horoscopes. That’s why I immediately was drawn to these beautiful zodiac constellation necklaces from Etsy seller, Iaonato. The one featured above is Leo’s, but of course she has all other signs available – I just decided to share the best one (can you tell which sign is mine?).

2. To quote the newest Sherlock series 3 teaser trailer, “OH MY GOD.” That was basically my reaction when I saw these amazing Sherlock-inspired leggings from Gold Bubble Clothing. I’m really trying to justify a reason to spend $70 on ridiculously loud leggings that I will probably only wear to conventions/geeky events, but I’m coming up short. I’ll probably cave by the time this blog is published though. I’m weak after all.

3. Continuing on the fandom tip, OMGz today’s Tee Fury is just all sorts of perfection. Although I’m late to the party (as usual), the hubs and I started watching the reboot of Doctor Who (starting with the 9th doctor) and I am so unbelievably hooked. More on that later (yeah, it deserves its own dedicated post) though – back to this amazing crossover tee! The Girl in the Fireplace is my favorite episode (so far) of Doctor Who, so I was thrilled to see it mashed up with Harry Potter by none other than the amazing Karen Hallion. This was a no brainer: take my money please and thank you. ps; Can you imagine what a great companion Hermione would make??

4. Talking about those that instantly steal your money, let’s talk about Marc Jacobs continuing his amazing Boston Terrier series. Although I am not complaining (it warms my little heart), my wallet is starting to grumble a bit. Cue this ADORABLE watch. At $267 it’s a stretch (I mean, REALLY?), so I am hoping that someone will rip off the design soon enough. Is that terrible? Oh well.

5. My relationship with Tumblr is touch and go. Sometimes I would flood my blog with 50 posts in a row, sometimes I wouldn’t post for 8 months at a time. I’m back on this bandwagon now (follow me here) and have become immersed in the fangirl explosion that is tumbling (I can use it as a verb, right?). More than likely if you catch me laughing at my computer screen maniacally, I’m on Tumblr compiling more fandom gifs to my already ridiculously large collection. #sorryimnotsorry

Special mention; Benedict Cumberbatch and his ridiculously sexy voice reads lyrics to R. Kelly’s “Genius.”

Outfit Inspiration: Geeky Thanksgiving

Dress; Persunmall // Wedges; GoJane {similar} // Clutch; Primark // Necklace; The Limited

Now there is no more denying it – we are officially in holiday season! Thanksgiving is only a week away, and amidst getting those turkeys, cocktails and pies ready is the very real dilemma running through all your minds: WHAT DO I WEAR? OK, so maybe it’s not that real and not that much of a dilemma, but I know I like to eat on Thanksgiving. A lot. So that means I need to be really careful with my outfit choice. It’s got to flatter, yet conceal what is sure to be a 4 month food baby (at the very least).

For this reason, I figured I would help all you fellow geek girls with some outfit inspiration for this very tricky occasion. First, always pick a loose fitting top or dress. I personally love this tunic dress from Persunmall because not only is it comfortable, but it reminds me of my youth spent in front of a Galaga machine (I know you 80’s kids get me). Although I tend to gravitate towards dresses, a simple and chic tunic top over leggings would also work just fine! Pair it with some bright and fun accessories like these neon-colored wedges and Boston Terrier clutch (squee!) and you are ready to stuff your face in style.

ps; here are some great coupon codes for Persunmall to help ease your inevitable shopping binge: thanks10 (10% OFF $100+ Free shipping on all orders), thanks15 (15% OFF $150+ Free shipping on all orders) & thanks20 (20% OFF $200+ Free shipping on all orders).

You can all thank me later.
I accept pie. ;)

Lovable Friday!

Its been awhile, Internet.
I’m not going to lie, it’s been difficult to arrange my thoughts (& my life) since arriving back from our Euro trip, but I am trying my best (tea helps). I have so much to share, but seemingly not enough time to do it. I figured coming back with Lovable Friday would be the perfect opportunity to showcase everything that has been putting a smile on my face lately!

1. I am so lazy with my watches. You may think I don’t have any because I never have one on my wrist, but I have a pretty nice collection. They are just all out of battery. I know, I know. Easy fix. But, like I said, I can be so lazy sometimes. Thankfully, I was graced with this fun and easy Timex (the Weekender, in case you were wondering). It’s so casual and versatile (& has the option of interchangeable bands – yay!). I also love its big white face – it really adds a pop! But what I love the most is the price point – you can pick up one of these babies for $50 (additional 25% off code: SAVE25). Perfect for the upcoming gift-giving season!

2. Have I caught you guys up? I’m totally in love with Doctor Who. It was bound to happen with all my Sherlock love (same writer/creator), although it did take a little 10 in my life for it to be solidified as fangirl status. So naturally, the hubs and I HAVE to have this TARDIS Christmas ornament. What better says holiday cheer than intergalactic time travel?

3. It finally happened. The heavens opened up and gifted Miami with a Trader Joe’s. I never thought this day would come, but I was finally able to experience the joyous event that is shopping at Trader Joe’s (without being on vacation). It was every bit as amazing as I thought it would be, and I managed to ring in at well under $100. Look at me and my self control. Favorite purchases? Pumpkin butter and a bag of Inner Peas.

4. At this point, I’m pretty sure you all know that I love me some J.J. Abrams. I think he is a master at storytelling and I personally cannot wait to see what he will do with Star Wars. I nearly peed myself, however, when I saw this trailer for an upcoming project entitled, Stranger. No one knew what it was and immediately the Internet started buzzing. It was finally revealed that the trailer was for a book that J.J. devised (and Doug Dorst wrote) called, S. Thanks to the hubby, I am now the proud owner of said book and cannot wait to dive into it. So far, it is classic Abrams, with all sorts of physical elements (literally, crap falls out of the book) and plenty of mystery.

5. Guys, it’s time to face the music. The holidays are here. I know for some of you, this is a happy statement, but for others (like me), it can be stressful. One female first world struggle is picking the right holiday lip color. So many shades of red, not enough time. Well, I’m here to make it easy for you. BA Star offers great and long-lasting makeup products (they are the #1 best seller for cheerleaders, dancers and competitors so you know this stuff is good) and I have fallen in love with their aptly named, Holiday Red lip pencil. It goes on so smooth, has full coverage and manages to stay in tact despite my animalistic eating rituals (seriously, its not pretty). Enjoy a 50% off promo code on me while you are at it: BBLIPS.

It is to be noted that some of the content on this post was sponsored.

What’s Your Fandom?

So I realized that I don’t really highlight my fandoms as much as I should here. There have been far too many outfit posts and not enough geekdom. So to remedy that, I bring you some of my favorite fandom pieces I’ve stumbled on while searching Etsy (which is far too often by the way).

1. Mordor Tee ($22); 2.Deathly Hallows Shirt ($18); 3. Potter Sweater ($42); 4. Sherlock Tee ($18.99); 5. Jon Snow Tank ($20); 6. Game of Thrones Bowtie ($10); 7. Baby Time Lord ($25); 8. Crossover Pin ($7.95)

Honestly, every outfit is infinitely better if it is announcing to the world that you are a die hard follower, don’t you agree? If you want to get lost in geeky overload, definitely visit the shop, EvieTees. I want one of each (especially this one).

Lovable Friday

1. A Letter from Fred; A friend posted this on his Facebook, and I decided to listen as I was driving home from work. Well, needless to say, I think everyone driving by me thought someone had just died because I was sobbing in my driver’s seat. This is such a touching and heartfelt story about an old man and his undying love for his recently deceased wife. I think everyone should have the opportunity to experience a love this powerful and, as Frank put it, REAL. Just have your tissues ready.

2. Sherlock; Add another TV obsession to the list. Sherlock is just incredible. I love the beauty shots of my favorite city, the way the show is filmed and the incredible cast. It gives Sherlock Holmes a new modern side that you have never seen before. At a running time of 90 minutes an episode, you really have to commit, but it is so worth it. Seasons are only 3 episodes long, and trust me, they leave you wanting more. Plus, is Benedict Cumberbatch not the cutest? I totally adore him and his Asperger-ness.

3. *Nsync reunion; I have a confession to make: I used to be one helluva Nsync fangirl back in the day. I went to more shows than I can remember, learned all the dance moves and yes, even had a Lance Bass marionette (figures I loved the gay one). So when they reunited (even for a brief 2 minutes) on last weekend’s VMA’s, a little piece of me reverted back to that 18 year old hyper fan. Seriously, I screamed, jumped and possibly shed a few tears. But what a tease! I demand a reunion tour!

4. Jelly boots; These clear ombre-like boots are killing me. Mainly because I don’t know if I should add them to my wardrobe. Sure, they are fun and different, but will they stand the test of time? My vote is probably no, but I am not one to adhere to any of those silly guidelines anyways. Plus, this would give me another reason to buy more fun socks! Good talk, self. Good talk.

5. Black Milk’s Harry Potter line; As my best friend, Elsie, would say: “Just shut up & take my money.” I share that sentiment in regards to Black Milk Clothing’s new Harry Potter line that is slated to debut September 10th. Leggings, dresses and swimsuits decked out in marauder maps, deathly hallows and house crests? Say no more. How much were they again?

Indie Craft Bazaar: Color Your Summer

I know I have mentioned here on the blog how much I love all things handmade, local and unique, which is why I got so excited about the Indie Craft Bazaar that took place last weekend at Revolution Live. Although I was really looking forward to it, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As usual, my expectations were not only met but surpassed! What great local talent!

Not only that, but I was able to finally meet two wonderful ladies that I have known via the Internets for years: Roxy & Jojo. We had such a great time together and although I got gluten-ed (damn you, delicious Tarpon burgers!), I think it was a successful first adventure (of many, I hope).

I’m on somewhat of a shopping freeze until next month, so it was very hard not to let my shopaholic tendencies get the best of me, but I did snatch up plenty of business cards for future shopping.

So many fun pieces to sift through – I personally squee’d when I saw the Boston Terrier pillow (they are made from actual photos of pets she has photographed) and was in awe of the beautifully hand-crafted accessories at Real Vintage Elegance (look at that tiara!!!).

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