Making Trek look good


It’s Thursday, which makes it almost Friday, which means we all need a little pick-me-up to get us through the day and one step closer to the weekend. What works best for me?

Pretty boys.
And here are two just for all of you!

Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto have just begun their tour of the world to support J.J. Abrams’ newly vamped Star Trek. It premiered in Sydney, Australia just a couple of days ago and a surprise screening was held in Austin earlier this week for a few lucky fans complete with Leonard Nimoy introduction. So that means the reviews have started rolling in. What is everyone saying? That it is a-freaking-mazing, that’s what.

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Weekend Highlights

Since I don’t post on weekends, I’ve decided that maybe Monday’s should recap all the fun or maybe not-so-fun things that happened Friday through Sunday. Does that sound like a good idea? Let me know! You all know I love comments & I don’t get enough of them!

So here we go, my weekend roundup:


- I finished watching the So NoTORIous episodes. It was hilarious. I want my own GBFF.
– Gwen became very concerned while watching Tori’s pug, Mimi La Rue.
– OK, I just discovered Mimi La Rue died. Sadness! May the little ham stuffed in a doile rest in peace.

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Lovable Friday!


1. 500 Days of Summer
1. 500 Days of Summer

This movie just instantly had me. And I haven’t even seen it. In fact, it won’t come out until July but there is just something to its lovable quirkiness that makes me certain that it will be one of my all time favorites. The movie is about Tom, a hopeless romantic, that is caught off guard when his girlfriend, Summer, breaks up with him. This causes him to go back and relive all 500 days that they were together to try to see where they went wrong. Hint: it wasn’t in the fashion or looks department. These two are absolutely adorable! Check out the trailer here.

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Don’t ever say I didn’t do anything for you


Thanks to Google Analytics and good ol’ WordPress blog stats, I have been enlightened that the more I feature pretty boys on this blog, the more visitors I get. Hmm, what does that say about all of you? ;)

Anyways, in an attempt to give you all what you want, here’s a shot of Gavin Rossdale filming a new video for the song, Forever May You Run, off his Wanderlust album. I have a feeling this video will make it into my youtube favourites bin. Just a hunch. You know, just ‘cuz.

And I have to say that I am kind of angered at Mr. Rossdale. He recently released his spring tour dates and is not coming to South Florida. Instead he’s opting to head to Orlando again. In the middle of the week again. Curse you, Gavin. Curse you & your pretty little face.


Happy Hump Day!

I have to admit that this post is kind of a cop out as it’s an oldie from my previous blog, but it’s just so great that I can’t leave it out of this one. Plus, I did some major alterations to the look, feel & most importantly to my men. So really, it’s not the same at all! Ladies, this one’s for you:

What better way to celebrate hump day than hot men? I’ve seen this meme popping up on several blogs and thought I would take part myself. Here are my top 10 men:

1. Gavin Rossdale
1. Gavin Rossdale

Better known to some as Mr. Gwen Stefani, I have had a pretty intense love affair with Gavin since I was 14 years old. Unfortunately, it has only gotten worse with age and is pretty pathetic. I support him in whatever he may do, even if it is coming out with some pretty “pop-gay” material. I think he is the most beautiful man on the planet (aside from my hubs, of course). And how much do I love him playing Mr. Mom in this photo? Well, maybe only a little bit more than I love the gun show on display ;)

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