Lovable Friday!


1. So NoTORIous
1. So NoTORIous

Yes, it’s an old show. No, I never watched it. Until now. And although it makes my brain bleed because of its complete stupidity, I can’t help but love Zachary Quinto‘s character, Sasan (gah, I lurve him). Sasan is based on Tori Spelling’s real-life very gay personal assistant and Mr. Quinto nails it (a little too?) perfectly! After knowing him solely as creeptastic Sylar, there were a few moments where I literally laughed out loud at the pure ridiculousness that spewed from his mouth. Case in point: “I’m gay, Iranian, and Muslim. All my identities hate each other. It’s a miracle my complexion is as flawless as it is.” Epic.

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Who Watches the Watchmen?


Well…I do!

A group of us (9 to be exact) went Saturday night to the Aventura theater to watch Watchmen in one of their IMAX theaters. I had the pleasure of reading the comic before sitting down to watch the movie, and I am so glad I did. My first opinion of the movie was that someone who did not read the comic would probably not understand it or hate it altogether because it did a great job replicating the comic, which tended to be a bit disjointed. With that said, I absolutely loved it. I thought it did the comic great justice and really nailed a lot of the main characters, especially Rorschach. Some scenes were panel-perfect and a lot of the dialogue stayed true to the original. I was pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of scenes I thought would be omitted were not and I was very happy with the intro – overall, I give it two thumbs up and would love to see it again, 3 hours and all!

But, I had some gripes although few (warning: SPOILERS under cut):

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Lovable Friday!


Watchmen Premiere
1. Watchmen Premiere

Finally after what feels like a terribly long wait, the Watchmen movie premieres tonight!!! I’ve been reading the comic (almost done with all 12) and must say it is amazing. I’ve heard early reviews already and the movie seems to live up to the greatness of the comic, which is quite the feat. The hubs and I along with about 10 of our friends (no joke) have tickets for Saturday at the IMAX theater. Much excitement.

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Vicky Christina Barcelona


This past weekend Augi and I watched Vicky Christina Barcelona and were blown away. Besides being an amazing story with fabulous actors, the scenery was breathtaking. It basically made us want to impulsively find airfare to Spain and throw whatever clothes we found into a suitcase. Seriously, I checked and found some pretty good deals, I must say. ;)

I also loved how almost all the characters were dressed head to toe in linen. Living somewhere as hot and humid as Miami, I’ve always been a fan of light & airy linen shirts & pants but unfortunately no longer have any pieces in my wardrobe. After watching VCB, it made me want to look as effortlessly comfortable yet stylish as both its female and male characters.

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Coraline 3-D

Unfortunately, Sunday night I missed the first hour and a half of the Oscars and completely forgot to set it on my DVR. Usually I wouldn’t really mind but my man, Hugh Jackman, was hosting. And if you know me, you know how much I really really love me some Jackman.

Plus, I really enjoy making award show blog posts so it made me pretty bummed that I did not catch the red carpet action.

However, I’m pleased to say that it was for a great cause:


Coraline 3D.

This past weekend was the last one to catch Coraline in 3D & I’m so glad we were able to take advantage. The story, the visuals, it was just outstanding. And the 3D factor just kicked it up a notch. I knew coming in that it was going to be a fabulous movie between all the positive reviews and the fact that it is based on a short story by Neil Gaiman, who is basically a genius.

This stop-motion animated film is described as a modern day fairy tale that will give Alice in Wonderland a run for its money: charming, terrifying and weird all rolled up into one. And I completely agree. I definitely recommend checking this movie out even sans the silly glasses. It is just great storytelling. The movie definitely made me want to read the book, so I see myself picking it up once I’m done with Breaking Dawn.

Also, I adored Coraline’s character so much that you may see me trying to replicate her look for Halloween this year. Question is, will Augi agree to be my other mother? Stay posted ;)

The Fall

Valentine’s Day evening, the hubs & I snuggled together on the couch to watch The Fall, a movie I had been aching to see since I saw the beautiful trailer months ago. It was almost like a Dali painting had come to life on the screen. I had heard mixed reviews, but was very pleased that the story was just as great as the visuals. Some may disagree, but I am definitely a sucker for epic fantasy storylines. Click to read more about The Fall