Two Babes instead of one hottie

Although there is no hump day hottie today (sniff), I wanted to share some other lovables. Mainly, that you should all check out & follow my side project with the lovely Rosy of Accidental Sexiness, The Blogalicious Babes. We will be recording our first vlog this weekend (squee) & have this fun teaser trailer out for your viewing pleasure:

Even better is that we just got word that we will be covering this year’s San Diego Comic Con as press! I’m so excited to do some interviews with my favorite cast members and especially to bring a fun daily vlog to you all straight from the source! I’m also going to be taking pictures of great street style throughout the event and sharing them with all of you right here on Melificent! And don’t worry, there will still be a lot of content while I’m gone – the fabulous Aurora will be guest blogging for the entire week!

With that said, I hope you all have a great Wednesday!


Via Pinterest

My heart goes out to the people of Japan. The images and live footage have been horrific to watch.

Lovable Friday!


1. Prop 8 Overturned

Photo via

Wednesday marked a very important day in the state of California that will hopefully have a ripple effect on the rest of the country. A federal judge ruled that Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage, was unconstitutional and it was overturned. Being a fan of equal rights (um, who wouldn’t be?) and a firm supporter of gay rights, I could not be happier. In fact, I can’t believe that any sort of discrimination over whom you decide to love is still an issue in 2010 (or was ever an issue really). Congratulations, California!

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Comic Con 2010 Wrap Up: Day 1

Hello, everyone! I’m back from Comic-Con and have been thrusted back into reality. I have to say, I had a pretty amazing time, especially since this year was a little different: I attended as press, helping my good friend and fellow blogger, Rosy, from Accidental Sexiness (check it out!). This pass allowed us entry into certain pressrooms as well as access to the front of ballrooms to get photos during panels.

It was such a great learning experience. I hope to be able to attend more events like these in the near future so I can share them on Melificent. I was able to meet a lot of great contacts and I have a very good feeling about the future of the blog.


But let’s get to the good stuff: Comic Con adventures!

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Attention South Florida Brides!


I know I don’t usually make posts like these, but having been extremely active on The Knot during my wedding planning and knowing how stressful the whole process can be on a girl, a couple and a family, I could not let this go by without sharing. At first I thought this was one of those fake forwards, until one of my oldest and dearest friends (who sent me the email) told me she knew the girl and that it was not a scam (unfortunately).

So to all brides-to-be in the South Florida area, please read the following and consider yourselves warned!


My previous post was asked to be removed by the bride’s family due to privacy reasons.


Just taking a moment out of everyone’s hump day to mention what happened in Haiti yesterday. The island was rocked by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that destroyed buildings, homes and lives. Those lucky enough to survive the quake have been left without food, water, shelter or medical care.


If you are interested in helping Haiti through this disasterous time, please refer to my friend, Rosy’s, site: Accidental Sexiness. She offers some great information as well as organizations that have been set up for those in need.

Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers. They need all the help they can get.