Weekend Highlights: Star Trek edition


All the stars aligned on Friday afternoon, when my good friend Aurora (check out her great cocktail reviews on Miami.com) gave me a call. The last thing I expected her to tell me was that she had an extra advanced screening pass for two to see Star Trek Saturday morning, but she did. Needless to say, both Augi and I shifted our schedules to be able to make this happen!

We got to Sunset Place two hours early to ensure that we’d be let in and basked in the ultimate J.J. Abrams-fan-nerdiness that were our fellow movie goers. It was very hard not to interject when I heard all the LOST theories being thrown around, but I managed as best as I could! It was just really fun to be around so many enthusiastic people – unfortunately, there are not many around these parts.

But enough about that, let me get to the good stuff: the movie! Warning: I will obviously be talking about the movie’s plot & characters, so make sure you know what you are doing when you click to continue reading. There will be spoilers, so don’t say I didn’t warn you (in large bold letters)!

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Friday Fail.

I hate not having a fun Friday post for all of you, but life caught up to me in a big way this week! I am just so physically and mentally exhausted – does anyone ever feel like there are not enough hours in the day? Yeah, that was the kind of week I had.

So I’m sorry guys! The month of May is definitely going to bring about some pretty interesting posts – I have a lot of fun stuff planned so I’ll be back in action on Monday! Have an awesome weekend <3

I leave you with quite possibly the best TV edit ever:

Office Remodel


Please go easy on me as this is my first attempt at a mood board! I used to find them a little silly, but after searching for & plugging in some key pieces, I have to say that I am truly inspired and feel like I have more of an idea as to where I want to go with the room. So Melificent approves of this mood board craze! I would say to look out for more in the future, but after the office, we will not be adjusting anything for some time (that’s what they all say).

So for those of you that know us personally & have been to our home, you know that our “spare room/office” is kind of a disaster zone. Crap piled everywhere, gifts off our wedding registry that didn’t “fit” anywhere in our home, books galore, random toys, musical instruments, a torn up futon and the primary home of two rowdy Boston Terriers (& the reason for the torn up futon). Needless to say, it is screaming for a makeover. Bad. Want a peek? Here is the office on a very, very good day. Dark & dreary, right?

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Weekend Highlights

Photo credit: Agustin Sanchez
Photo credit: Agustin Sanchez


The highlight of our weekend was definitely on Saturday when we joined our good friends Camero & Tom at their place on Key Biscayne. Since it was so windy, we lounged by the pool instead of the beach with good Pandora stations, good beer and good conversations. It was great being able to catch up – Camero and I have been friends since we were 14 years old so we have quite the history together (consisting of badly put together 90’s outfits and embarrassing obsessions with rockstars).

We then gorged ourselves on Five Guys Burgers & Fries and did some bargain shopping at the shops at Midtown. Overall, it was a great day and I hope we do it more often now that beach weather is upon us! For more pictures from our day at the beach, click here.

I hope you all had a great, relaxing weekend and that your Monday is as good as a Monday can possibly be. For all those Heroes fans that read my blog, tonight marks the Season 3 Finale! I honestly cannot wait to see what they have in store for us – I’ve heard it’s going to be epic! Team Sylar! ;)

Weekend Highlights


Friday night I was lucky enough to join the AgencyNet gang for a night of fun, which was all put together by the chairman of awesomeness, Omar. Seriously. That’s his title. The night consisted of pizza, booze and Monsters vs. Aliens 3D at the IMAX theater! I have to say that the movie was not the most spectacular thing in the world, but it was cute. The 3D really didn’t give it that much of a boost either. I would probably recommend a rental for this one. Although I’m pretty much in love with Insectasaurus, that big crazy looking thing in the photo above. I couldn’t help but think of my baby Boston, Gwen (if you know her, you understand). On that note, I move on to Saturday…

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I have to admit, I felt really silly making my first Vlog and it is short & kind of awkward & ridiculous, but it has puppies. And puppies totally cancel out any awkward ridiculousness. Right? Of course.

Here you get to meet my two little furry monsters: Brad-Pitt & Gwen (Stefani). Although Gwen didn’t behave at all, Brad-Pitt was definitely trying to be a stud for the camera. My favorite part? The epic battle that ensues after I get up to turn off the camera. You gotta love those two.

You also get to meet my silly high-pitched voice (which only gets freakishly higher when excited) and my bedroom of complete disarray. I promise I am usually a very neat and organized person. Just not today apparently.

So I suppose I’m testing out these little videos of myself because I have this project in mind, but first want to test out if vlogs would even be popular on here. So leave your feedback on my silly little video. Did you like it? Did you hate it? Did you think I looked like a complete dork making an ass out of myself? Do share.

And have a lovely Tuesday. ;)

Comments resolved!


This is just a post to let you all know that my comments have been fixed and that you can feel free to leave me plenty of love once again!!! I’ve missed hearing from all of you and it was definitely a tough week to blog through. I felt like I could hear the crickets out in the blogosphere!

I know a lot of you said that you wanted to leave comments on certain blog posts last week, so if they are still on your mind, back track and do so!

Much love <3



My husband and I are car lovers. I come from a long line of car love and my family boasts some pretty awesome vehicles. Don’t believe me? Check out what I opted to ride in to my wedding rather than the usual Rolls. Muscle cars are where it’s at and I have been making my family very proud ever since I purchased my meaty 2006 Mustang GT, which is an absolute blast to drive and basically the love of my life.

But I may have a mistress in my future and her name is the Nissan Cube. The Cube made her U.S. television debut on Monday night during an episode of Heroes, but she was already imprinted in my heart months prior. I blame this love affair on my husband who showed me pictures and videos of the adorable little car on a whim. We were sucked in immediately. How could you not be? First, the car couldn’t look more Japanese, which is a huge plus for me: sleek, futuristic, modern, sexy. After that, all the positives continued to roll in: starts at $13,990, 33 mpg, 6-speed manual transmission, a ridiculous amount of head room, ipod integration, wrap around rear window, “sofa styled” backseat and an array of colorful add-ons & customization options. Basically, what is there not to love?

Probably the insane dealer mark up & terribly long waiting list.



This post is brought to you by the Twitter Fail Whale.

Apparently people are getting a 404 error when trying to leave comments to certain entries and I’m really sorry about that!

Hopefully I’ll be able to get that taken care of by tonight, but I just wanted to give you all a heads up just in case you have been trying to leave some comment love & have been denied!

Melificent still loves you!
Promise ;)

Update; the comments are still down. I had my “team” on it last night & nothing could be done. Apparently it’s a WordPress glitch that they have to fix. So I will glare at you, WP, until this is taken care of.

Weekend Highlights



Saturday, as planned, the hubs and I along with some friends headed over to the Youth Fair. It was ridiculously hot & humid, but that didn’t stop us from eating a lot of fried food and taking an insane amount of photos (and video). I was surprised to see the Fair so empty. It felt like it was a weekday! But we didn’t complain, there were no lines and no large groups of obnoxious people. The highlights for me were the free petting zoo and corndogs. Later that day, we had our friends over for some beers, video games and a little ringlight action.

splitmel [Read more…]