Oh my…look at that. It’s a new year.  A clean slate. Let’s start over, people.
Although I usually run through my previous year’s wishes, I won’t be doing it this time around b/c unfortunately, they were very broad and the majority were not accomplished (le sad face). And it does nothing to focus on the past, right? We can only look forward, and this upcoming year looks to be very, very bright.

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What I Wore: The Ballet

I know I said I wouldn’t be back until the new year, but this outfit got a lot of love on my Instagram, so I figured it would make for a good end of year post. Plus, you all know I can’t stay away too long from the blog. It’s a weakness. I hope you all had a fantastic past couple of days with those you love the most!

My Christmas present this year was very simple(ish). I just wanted to be taken out on a romantic date to dinner and a ballet. Namely, The Nutcracker. I hadn’t been since I was a kid, and I’m a sucker for holiday traditions. I’d love for it to be one of ours, and eventually our children. The hubs pulled out all the stops and made me feel like a very lucky wife, which honestly, is a feeling I experience quite often. With that said, I knew this was one of the few occasions where I would be able to rock a sequined dress, so I took full advantage. I just didn’t think my (amazing) dress would come from Forever 21! It was a Christmas miracle. ;)

Dress; Forever 21 {similar}
Jacket; Forever 21 {similar}
Heels; Marc Fisher via DSW {in silver}
Bangles; various
Lipstick; Estee Lauder’s Forbidden Apple
Polish; Essie’s Aperitif

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Merry Christmas!!!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and all the health and happiness possible in the new year. Melificent will return in 2013 (how weird does that sound)!!

Connecticut Tragedy

I was planning on shooting an outfit post last Friday, but as you all know, we were shocked with the news coming from a quiet town in Connecticut. It had been the target for an elementary school shooting and many lives were lost, including those of innocent young children. As someone who works with children, I could not wrap my head around this tragic event. Needless to say, I was not in much of a fun, outfit post kind of mood, so you won’t see any this week.

Ever since I heard the news, it has been hard to get it out of my head. I pray for not only the parents who had to say goodbye to what matters most in their world, their children, but also to those that survived. They will never be the same, and their innocence has been needlessly robbed. May they all find some peace in all this madness.

Turkey Coma

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend! Mine was full of good food and even better company, which is always appreciated. Although I am spending the majority of my time studying and working entirely too hard, it really feels like the holidays this year and gasp(!!) I am actually not loathing them! Who woulda thunk it. ;)

I hope to have some more content in the weeks to come but for now feast your eyes on my new haircut! Although I know my hair looked great long, I could no longer stomach the upkeep especially now that I am so busy. I needed something cute & easy, and as usual, my hairdresser did not lead me astray.

What do you think?

Happy Halloween {& an update}!

I hope all of you enjoy my favorite holiday, have fun, stay safe and don’t overdose on sugary goodness.

A quick little note if you don’t follow my fan page on Facebook (if you don’t, remedy that please): I will have to step away from the blog for about 3 months starting tomorrow. Something came up that needs my undivided attention, so unfortunately, the blog is going to have to take a backseat until then. Good news is, I will still be posting, but I will be limiting those posts to about once a week. I’ve asked some friends and fellow bloggers to please contribute whenever they can so that the blog does not remain too stagnant. If you are interested in participating, definitely let me know!

A Very Special Birthday

I very clearly remember locking myself in a high school bathroom stall and muffling my tears as I chanting “no one will ever love me” over and over again in my head. Boy, was I wrong. Terribly wrong. Fast forward some 15 years later (that was scary to type), and I can’t possibly fathom why this particularly amazing man loves me. Not only loves me, but thinks I am one of the most amazing people he has ever met. Just looking at me makes him smile. I have no idea what sorcery I unknowingly pointed his way, but I am thankful every day that it worked.

Happy birthday, Agustin Sanchez. You are not only my best friend, my husband and my partner in crime, but you are also my hero and inspiration. You are the reason I laugh and smile with such ease. You are my sanity. You are my happy place. You never stop surprising me, and I know you never will.

{Being Melificent} Living Gluten-Free in Miami

Hello, new feature!

In an attempt to be more candid and bring a little more ME to Melificent (see what I did there?), I will be starting to post entries regularly about things that are going on in my personal life, beliefs, advice or just what’s cluttering my brain at the moment. What can I say? I was a Livejournal kid. It’s my natural tendency to want to bear my soul.

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A Little Me Time

After some rough weeks, I thought it was time to have a little “me” day. Although, I’m pretty sure my idea of a “me” day is different from other girls. For me, it was getting a crazy-colored dye job and a fandom tattoo! I couldn’t be happier.

I’d just like to say that my hair stylist is the bomb. She always knows exactly what would work great with my style and isn’t afraid to take the risks I ask her to. If any of you readers are in the South Florida area, I can’t recommend Valerie at Kendall’s Peter of London enough. My orange and purple ombre is beyond. BEYOND. I think this one has even topped the pink!

Later that night, I was able to finally put my fandom (and endurance) to the test by tattooing the deathly hallows on my ribs. It had been something my best friend and the hubs had wanted to do as a bonding experience and although it didn’t work quite as planned (we just couldn’t sync up), it is pretty special. Another great recommendation if you are looking for a fantastic tattoo artist is Javier Betancourt at Ocho Placas – he did such an amazing job and has great “bedside manner.”

How was your weekend?

Happy Labor Day!

Hope you all have a fun, but safe Labor Day!
We have been enjoying the sunshine, glitter and giggles of Disney World.
Be back soon!


ps; I’m sure you’ve all seen the news on my various social networks, but I’ve been selected to be a brand ambassador for Ban.do! I am beyond thrilled and pretty flattered to be working with such an amazingly fun and creative company that I have been such a huge fan of for a long time. To quote Garth Algar, I am not worthy! I can’t wait to share their great products with you all very soon!