Lovable Friday!


1. This incredible cake
1. This incredible cake

As most of you know, my blog will be one year old next week. When I first started blogging, I never imagined that anyone would really care to read about my life and the things I like to do, wear, see and hear. Now, I average about 300 hits a day. I know that does not make me the next Dooce or anything, but it is definitely more than I ever expected. I was kind of bummed because all the projects I had planned for my anniversary either fell through or just didn’t happen because of time restraints and then my friend Rosie shows up with this amazing cake! She is always one of the first to comment and is always singing my praises all over the Internets. She is really the sweetest and most incredible person. So thank you so much, Rosie! I know I told you a million times, but you made my month and totally caught me off guard! I heart you :)

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Lovable Friday!


1. Fuji Instax Camera
1. Fuji Instax Camera

I’m usually not into loving fad-ish cameras, but this one really got suckered me good. Although Polaroid is back with a vengeance, I can’t help but love the Fuji Instax. It’s adorably cute and helps you capture the moment instantly in fun bite-sized photos that you can put anywhere. My favorite uses of these pictures? These adorable wall collages. Hello, lover! ;)

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La Mer Watches

I really really love watches. I tend to like them really big and masculine, but every now and then, I enjoy some cute feminine styles. La Mer Collection’s of layer wrap watches that can double as cuffs or bracelets are so stylish and beautiful. Plus they are affordable, all falling under $100. There’s something very L.A.M.B.-ish about them, which is always a plus! I made sure to show the hubs their website already, just in case he is ever feeling generous. ;)

Here are some of my favorites:



Lovable Friday!

lovablefriday1I don’t know about the rest of you, but I really needed this Friday more so than I have in a long time! I am welcoming today with open arms!

1. Lela Rose Wedding Gown
1. Lela Rose Wedding Gown

Oddly enough, I received The Knot’s Florida Edition magazine last night. I haven’t been a bride for over 2 years so seeing it in my mailbox came as a shock. Also pretty telling as I’ve been struggling internally with my future career options (quarter life crisis?). While looking through the magazine, this gown by wonderful designer Lela Rose caught my eye. How adorable is it? Unfortunately for you brides to be, it has one hell of a price tag, but it’s definitely nice to look at!

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Golden Globes

Sorry I’m so late to the game, everyone, but I had one hell of a Monday!
Thankfully, I had the day off from work but the higher powers that be decided it would be best if I didn’t take it as a day of rest.

My Mustang crapped out on me as I was leaving the gym for my usual cardio workout. Turns out I needed a new battery and I was lucky my brother-in-law also had the day off and was able to help me. The ‘Stang is open for business once more!

Anywho, that would be why I was so absent from the Internets, but I really wanted to post about the Globes!


– I was so happy that Michael C. Hall won for his category. Not only was it an amazing season for Dexter, but it had to feel great for him after battling cancer. It really broke my heart to see him in that little black beanie. I love my little serial killer!
Ricky Gervais did a great job hosting. He really cracked me up. So inappropriate. So right.
– How annoying was Chloe Sevigny? I couldn’t stand how she continuously complained about her dress the entire night. First to NBC about the rain ruining her gown and then to that poor man that helped her up to the stage after he stepped on and ripped it. It’s a freaking dress, honey. Probably one you don’t even own so shut your trap.
Julia Roberts was tanked from the moment she got out of her limo. Excellence.
– Is Avatar really that good?
Drew Barrymore‘s acceptance speech was adorable.
– I love this man.

But now on to what’s really important: the gowns!
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Lovable Friday!

1. True Blood: In Production Teaser
1. True Blood: In Production Teaser

Now that I have had some extra time on my hands to read, I’ve really been enjoying the Sookie Stackhouse series, which inspired HBO’s True Blood. I am currently on Book 4, and although it is shaping up to be my favorite so far, I really enjoyed Book 3 so I can’t wait to see the way they decide to translate it on the show. HBO knows that there are many die-hard “Truebies” out there, so they made this sweet little teaser to (attempt to) tide us over until June. Also, for those fellow fans, the biggest recent news was that the role of Alcide (sweet & sexy werewolf that becomes involved with Sookie in more ways than one) was given to Joe Manganiello, who has appeared on How I Met Your Mother and One Tree Hill in the past. At first, I wasn’t all that happy with the casting, but he has grown on me after doing several google image searches ;)

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Oh my {glitter}!

Just thinking of one of my favorite things in the world: glitter. Glitter makes everything better, don’t you think? I’d like to bathe in glitter and wear it head to toe. Fits perfectly with my 2010 cupcake fashion motto too. Just sayin’. ;)





Picture 1

I’m totally loving this glitter pump trend for brides. If I were getting married all over again, I definitely would have rocked a pair!


All photos found on weheartit


{No weekend highlights today as I spent it all attempting to recover from the cold that just won’t quit}

It’s no secret to anyone that I’d love to be an event planner and my absolute favorite are weddings. Ever since I planned my own, the seed was planted and it only continues to grow. One day, when I find the guts I will actually give it a go (cue 2010 wish to find something that makes you happy), but for now I settle on searching through multitudes of wedding blogs and fantasizing on the amazing ones I could create.

One trend that recently caught my eye is that of the short wedding dress.
I’ve always loved it, but didn’t really let the thought linger while shopping for my own wedding dress. After seeing all these photos, I really wish I would have! So cute and whimsical!

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

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2010 Motto

dresslikeacupcakeIf you are my friend on Facebook, you’ll remember that I posted a picture of this adorable print and stated that it was going to be one of my motto’s for 2010 and although silly, it is no lie that a girl’s attitude will sky rocket if she thinks she looks good. And for me, looking good means bright colors, ruffles and glitter. That’s just the way it is. And here are some sweet and affordable pieces that would definitely fit my new motto:

Picture 3

Iridescent ruffle skirt – $15.80

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Lovable Friday: Etsy edition!

1. Muertosfineskulls
1. Muertosfineskulls

I have this sick fascination with skulls – I just love them involved in basically everything. From fashion to accessories to home decor. You get the point. That’s why I fell in love with the Muertosfineskulls etsy store. They are made my Andy Fark, who swears repeatedly throughout the store that he is not an artist. I can’t say I agree. I hope to pick up this puppy or something similar for my future pink room.

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