In Flight

Guess who?

Taken by my hubs on the plane
Taken by my hubs on the plane

Unfortunately, our connecting flight to San Diego from Atlanta this morning was delayed due to not one, but three last minute gate changes. Because of this, we will probably be arriving in San Diego a little later than expected, but as a token of their apology, AirTran gave us free in-flight wifi!! This is truly the best thing ever (especially during a 4 hour flight!).

So I am coming to you straight from the sky – how crazy is that? I don’t have to tell you guys how excited I am to be traveling with all of my closest friends (miss you Elsie!), but I have to say I am also frightened of what awaits us. I have already been getting a massive amount of tweets showing the pandemonium that is currently taking place outside of the convention center due to Twilight and Holy Jeebus! Despite not attending the New Moon panel, I should have still made the executive decision to pack full-body armor. Craziness.

Really funny? There are a bunch of fellow CC’ers on the plane with us. We have some dudes behind us that have not stopped stressing out to each other about panels. I just want to whip around and slap them because they are, in turn, stressing me out. Don’t rain on my parade, fuckers!

Anyways, I suppose I will stop rambling now. Being on planes makes me anxious and claustrophobic so any form of distraction is highly welcomed (i.e. a long, incohesive, rambly blog post). It seems like I will only have wifi in the hotel lobby so it’s not looking good for me in terms of blogging daily while in San Diego, but again, follow my Twitter! I’ll be updating (aka: spamming) as much as I possibly can.


  • Ang

    I’M stressing out a little and I’m not even going to any panels, let alone the convention. Just wondering how packed all the restaurants and bars are. And how much traffic we’re going to hit. UGH!

  • Elsie

    Oh no, don’t stress, have fun! I hope you ate. Can’t wait to see more pics! ^_^

  • Netty

    hiiii :) I hate flying too. It’s fun when you have a husband and wi-fi!
    Have fun! Besitos.