Going steady or breaking up?

This afternoon is going to be pretty exciting for me. I will be deciding whether or not to put an offer on a house!

I know rule number one of house hunting is not to fall in love, but I did. We both did. We couldn’t help it. It needs a lot of work, which is why I decided to bring in the big guns with me this afternoon to give me the rundown as to whether it will be worth it or not. I am going to try my best not to be disheartened if things do not work out in my favor, but it’ll be rough!

It’s so easy to start imagining how we can turn a house into a home, especially with such amazing inspiration surrounding me in the blogosphere, like the following:




So wish us luck, readers!

  • http://photoboothkiss.blogspot.com Amanda

    Good Luck! How exciting. I too can’t wait till I can decorate my home the way I want.

    “turn a house into a home”

    I love that.

  • Adri

    Good luck! I wish you and Augi the best!!!

  • karina

    excellent news! we’ll keep our fingers crossed for you guys! in my experience, though, if you want something bad enough, you have to show the universe just how bad you want it. positive vibes!!!

  • http://www.melificent.com Meli

    Thanks for all the support, girls!
    Keep the positive vibing happening :D