Answer in Pictures

While a (very active) member of Livejournal a few years back, I absolutely adored meme’s. I would do as many as humanly possible, which I’m sure annoyed a great deal of my LJ friends. The draw still hasn’t escaped me, because I’ve decided to include them from time to time here on Melificent. Afterall, sometimes I am not in the most journalistic of moods.

So enjoy this fun picture meme and if you feel so inclined, do one yourself!

01. Hello! This is what I look like:

photo-18The hair is growing nicely, me thinks ;)

02. & here’s my best friend:

133629996_4675987a23My 2 best friends are a toss up between my hubs & the always amazing, Elsie.

03. These are my crushes:

5729_120052285208_646500208_2082327_5393618_nMr. Zachary Quinto.

OUT900048Gavin Rossdale. Always.

hughjackmansuitHugh Jackman.

04. my pet(s) look(s) like this:

3395768211_ab6fd275acBrad-Pitt & Gwen. My two rowdy Boston Terriers. Not so rowdy in this photo.

05. my favorite candy is:

2734140800_090f9cd67eThree Musketeers.
Fluffy goodness.

06. my favorite mtv show is:

2558430597_ffdc09fb92_oDaria. “Are those leh-gins, Quinn?”
Was I the only one that thought Trent was freaking hot for an animated character?!

07. my favorite band or singers are:

picture-2The Smashing Pumpkins. Again, always.


08. my favorite sport is:

2316128080_a8f2ee61f8Hockey! Always remain true to my Florida Panthers :)

09. this is my favorite color:

3329388870_bcce864e18Pink & Green are equally spectacular.

10. my favorite movie is:

1837194802_4886158439Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
Most beautiful love story, in my opinion.

11. things i want are:

2701983676_643f7e1939More than anything at the moment, our very own home.

12. my biggest obsession is:

heroes-vs-lostHeroes & LOST.
My two most favoritest shows ever.

13. my favorite website is:

twitter-hashcloudsAside from my own (heh), Twitter!

14. i love this cartoon:

zim-invader-zim-1404611-1600-1200Invader Zim!

15. my ipod looks like:

iphone_homeMy iPhone. I no longer have an iPod.

16. this is my favorite actress:

cateCate Blanchett.
She can do no wrong.

17. the cover of my favorite magazine:


  • Ashley

    You are definitely not the only one who thought Trent was hot!! Don’t look up the guy who did his voice though, it might ruin the fantasy ;)

  • Elsie

    Aww! I <3 you!
    The pups look so cute! I want to squish their faces. ^_^

  • Ang

    Ashley – I was so going to say something about his voice!

    Mels – stealing this for LJ. ;)

  • Melificent

    Of course I had to look it up after your comments, and NOOOOOoooo. Why! LOL. So terrible.

  • Tammy

    Meli: once again, you and I have many, many similar tastes. Love Invader Zim, Hugh Jackman (I drool just hearing his name), and Domino was (is) one of my fave mags. Among other things. Love this idea, BTW