Music spotlight: Oren Lavie

I have to give my husband credit for introducing me to Oren Lavie during his most recent mixtape creation (check it out here, it’s great). He states that I scoffed at the song at first, but I don’t remember that at all (heh). Either way, Her Morning Elegance is such a beautiful little ditty (there is no better way to describe it). It immediately made me smile and is there really anything better than a song that makes you smile?

Maybe a song that has a video that makes you smile as well:

  • ChristineZ

    So pretty. I love the cellos. It actually reminds me of the type of music used on Grey’s Anatomy; bet it won’t be long before we hear it somewhere on TV…

  • Roxæ

    I absolutely love, love, love that video! I heard the song first on Augi’s mix too and Kavita mentioned that it had a cool video.

    I think the song sounds like a rainy day :)

  • Meli

    I owe finding the video to you, Rox!
    It really does sound like a rainy day, if that’s even possible lol

    Christine – I agree, definite tv moment kind of song.