Lovable Friday!

It’s been awhile since I’ve compiled a Lovable Friday due to the holidays! Unfortunately, not a very lovable Friday for me. I’ve been pretty sick the entire week. I guess I’m not cut out for this 40 degree weather in Miami!

1. CB2 opening in South Beach
1. CB2 opening in South Beach

Words cannot describe how happy this makes me! South Florida seems to always be the last to get amazing stores: we recently got West Elm and IKEA after years of lusting from afar and have yet to see an H&M (one in Orlando just opened several months ago). I cannot wait to take advantage of their fabulous sales without having to tack on those nasty shipping charges! And just in time for our new home too! The store opens in Lincoln Road Mall on January 14th. See you there ;)

2. 500 Days of Summer
2. 500 Days of Summer

I know I had posted about this movie eons ago before its release, but we never got a chance to see it. Of course, the second it was released on Blu Ray, I moved it up to the top of my list and I am so glad I did. It has instantly made my top 5 movies of all time (& I am picky). The story was just so perfect – just the kind of love story I enjoy: a realistic one. And the soundtrack could not be any better. Definitely check it out if you are a fan of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and other quirky love stories. The Blu Ray would make an excellent Valentine’s gift for your lovely lady (hint hint).

Passive Aggressive Notes
3. Passive Aggressive Notes

Oh god, do I love Internet humor. May it be through good ‘ole Youtube, Fail Blog or People of Walmart, I love it all. The introduction to this amazing site: passiveaggressivenotes.com has only made my collection that much brighter. It actually inspires me to leave some passive aggressive notes of my own. Maybe I’ll do so right before moving out of my apartment building. There would be a few.

4. Newly discovered Corgan pictures
4. Newly discovered Corgan pictures

Yeah so I’m sure there are all sorts of more interesting people to all of you out there in Internet land, but I don’t care. I get a big goofy grin on my face when I discover new pictures of Billy Corgan. Especially those taken by the amazingly talented Kristin Burns. Check out her online portfolio and make your day a little brighter.

5. Pearl Jam's Just Breathe
5. Pearl Jam's Just Breathe

I am super late to the game with Pearl Jam’s new album, but I think it’s amazing. My most favorite track on the album is Just Breathe, which I included on my most recent mixtape. It’s just so beautiful and possibly everything I’ve ever wanted to say all rolled up into one song. Although The Temper Trap’s Sweet Disposition is my most favoritest song at the moment, Just Breathe just may be my theme song. Give it a listen and let me know what you think!

  • Elsie

    Oh, passiveaggressivenotes is going to be my entertainment for the next hour. Thanks so much!

  • Adri

    Thanks for the info on CB2! I’m also looking forward to watching 500 Days of Summer on Bluray. I love Zooey Deschanel and it sounds like a movie I’d enjoy.