

Photo credit: El Sanchez

So what if I have a preference? ;)
Last night was the premiere of Heroes Volume 4 & I loved every second of it. OK, well maybe not when the words “to be continued” appeared on the screen, but every other moment was great. I know it was basically a “set up” episode so not a lot of action really happened, but I can’t wait to see the way this volume
plays out.

There have been rumors that due to huge rating drops, Heroes may not be on the air after Volume 4 if those ratings don’t increase in the next few months so if you are a fan or even teetering on fandom – please watch! Let’s help Heroes stay on the air or I don’t know what will become of my Monday nights.

What do you guys think? Still a fan? Think the show sucks now? Think I’m a delusional fangirl? Leave me some comment love, whatever it may be!

  • Elsie

    And even if ppl aren’t fans, just leave your tv on during Heroes, you don’t have to watch. ^_^
    Meli, I heart your site! Yay for you!