Lovable Friday: Lost Edition

1. LOST tarot cards
1. LOST tarot cards

In honor of the quickly approaching series finale of quite possibly the best show on TV ever, LOST, I decided to make today’s Lovable Friday LOST-centric. Plus, we need something to hold us over that horrific 2-week hiatus, right fellow fans? First, check out these amazing LOST-themed tarot cards! They were designed by Flickr user gravitybomb who did an amazing job capturing the personalities (often dual personalities) of our main LOSTies. Plus, you can download them all at full size, which comes in handy if you are planning an epic LOST party for the finale (like we are!).

2. Tee Fury
2. Tee Fury

I don’t know why it took me this long to discover Tee Fury, but I’m glad I know about it now! They feature a tee a day from a different artist priced ridiculously low and is apparently a hot bed for amazingly awesome LOST shirts! Every now and then they will feature a grab bag where you can order up to 3 shirts & the site will select them for you at random. I participated in the most recent grab bag this week so I’ll cross my fingers that I scored something LOST-rrific, although all their shirts are made of win so I will not complain either way. If you are a tee addict like me, you are going to absolutely love this site! Check it out!

3. Drive Shaft replica ring
3. Drive Shaft replica ring

For all those Drive Shaft fans, you, too, can own your very own DS ring as seen rocking on Charlie Pace’s digits. An heirloom of the Pace family, Charlie’s brother, Liam, explained that the initials stood for Dexter Stratton, the paternal grandfather of Megan Pace. He later decided that he would name is band with the same initials and the rest is history! Pick up your replica from the ABC store in memory of the show’s fan favorite.

4. Amazing Wired Article
4. Amazing Wired Article

Never hiding the fact that they are massive LOST fans, Wired Magazine included yet another outstanding feature about the show and its creators. Read through the interesting article with rock star writers, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, and enjoy all the fun extras such as fan-found Easter eggs, Oceanic 815 cargo list and epic map of character relationships.

5. LOST: Animated
5. LOST: Animated

If you ever wondered what our favorite (& some not so favorite) LOSTies would be in cartoon form, wonder no more! Artist, Michael Myers, posted these characters to his online portfolio and they are nothing short of excellent. Who is your favorite? ;)

Have a great weekend, everyone!
I sure will – I’m done with classes…for good!