Lovable Friday: Halloween 2010 Edition

Pumpkin Faces
1. Pumpkin Faces

Nothing says Halloween like arts and crafts. And when I say arts and crafts, I mean the queen of them herself, Martha Stewart. Sure she’s creepy, a low-talker, and yes, she may even look like she’s ready to snap on a sweet gingerbread man at any moment. But she certainly knows how to host a party. These pumpkin faces are just adorable, and are easy to do for any Halloween occasion. All you need is a jar, candy to fill the jar, a pumpkin and soft candy to mold however you please for the silly/scary faces.

Halloween with a Florida Twist
2. Skel-A-Mingo

These just scream Halloween in Florida. I love them! The Pink Inc. company has created a whole line of festive and playful flamingo’s to Suit-Up your yard in all its cheesy Florida glory. But don’t let the Floridian lawn cliche scare you, these awesome flamingo’s are hip and I’m sure we will see plenty of these all over Flickr over the next month. Did I mention they are crazy affordable? For a pair of these little suckers, it’s only $12.00.

Sarcophagus Wieners
3. Mummy Dogs

MMMmmm… what could be easier than throwing together Pillsbury crescent dough around smoked wieners? These are great to make for an impromptu Halloween party, or even just for the friends, family and co-workers to get them in the spooky holiday mood.

Sweetest Gnome in All The Land
4. Garden Gnome Costumes

Now I know that Meli has quite a few friendlies that have little ones. These costumes were just too cute to keep all to myself. Just looking at costumes like these makes me dream about how ridiculous I’m going to be when I have kids of my own. But enough about that! How hard could these be to put together, I know for sure that Etsy has their own array of Gnome costumes for newborns all the way to adults, so check them out.

And with that, I leave you with the upcoming Touchstone Pictures animation, Gnomeo & Juliet.

5. Watch The Gnomeo & Juliet Trailer

This film couldn’t be any more adorable and fun. I’m a complete sucker for animated movies, so this one shouldn’t disappoint.

<puffy heart>

– misseliss

  • http://www.shesblank.com penn

    i laughed. i cried… i even peed a little (when i saw the gnome trailer). great post miss! <3

  • andrea

    What a great Lovable Friday misseliss! xoxo

  • Anika

    I’ve come to realize over the years that Martha Stewart is pretty much a badass. Her Halloween stuff never disappoints. :)

    & those flamingos are fab!

  • http://misseliss.com elissa

    Thanks girlies!

  • Elsie

    Now I want candy corn.