Lovable Friday!

1. DigiDudes Pocket Tripod

I may have verbally squealed when I saw this on a friend’s pinterest board. It’s just all sorts of adorable and…it’s pink! If you are a camwhore like myself (hey, I’m honest), a handy dandy tripod that can be carried with you on your bag or purse is a must-have. I can especially see its benefits now that I am doing this 30-day fashion challenge, so I can see it being extremely useful for a fashion blogger. Needless to say, I sent it over to the hubs as a possible Valentine’s Day “stocking stuffer” so to speak, and he replied with, “bought.” Isn’t he the greatest? Want your own? Buy it here!

2. Home is where the heart is

While looking at this rug, I immediately started singing Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zero’s Home. That obviously made me realize I had to have it. But, seriously, this is too cute to pass up. This heart-shaped door mat is sure to put a smile on anyone’s face, including your own as you pass through the threshold day in and day out. And who doesn’t need a smile lately? Pick one up for your love nest for only $24 here!

3. Chalkboard labels

I am really loving the chalkboard phase that’s going on in decor right now. I, myself, used some chalkboard paint in my kitchen and I think it serves as such a sweet little sounding board for the hubs and I. Granted, it’s mainly me leaving sweet little love notes, but I digress (hint, HINT). Anywhooo, these labels are both trendy and pretty to look at, but also serve a great organizational purpose. I really like that they can be reused constantly (removable and erasable), so budget conscious! This is a must buy once we start our epic garage project of 2011!

4. WildFox White Label

I find it impossible that I had never heard of Wildfox Couture until now, as it screams MELI! in the worst possible way. Their oversized sweatshirts and rock and roll loose-fitting tees are paired with loud and edgy tights or leggings, with equally bright and fun accessories, like this kick ass scarf. Unfortunately, awesome comes with a not-so-awesome price tag. This grungy casual wear will set you back a hundred bucks plus for the majority of the items. This is when the budget savvy diva in me makes an appearance – visit Ebay to score these pieces for a fraction of the price! Who says you have to go broke to look good?

5. Gama-Go Pint Glasses

I love beer. Unfortunately, I’ve had to scale back my intake due to medical issues, but I probably still drink more beer than you do (do I smell a challenge?). Although I am not proud to admit to this (OK, so maybe I am), often when we go out to cool pubs or dive bars, I steal pint glasses. I have a pretty good collection going, but it’s like a compulsion – want.more.beer.glasses. Now, before you sign me up for TLC’s My Strange Addiction (how weird IS that show), I have to say that I would go the traditional route and actually purchase these cuties from Gama-Go. Unfortunately, it seems like they are pretty hard to find, but I was able to stumble on a couple on Amazon. The Yeti and squid wreck are definitely my favorites! Also, check out the rest of the Gama-Go site for some really cool & one of a kind items!

  • Anika

    Ohh Meli. Ridiculous love of beer: this is why we’re friends. ;)
    Those glasses are pretty fantastic too!

    Also, LOVE the little tripod. I might have to get the little green guy for myself. He reminds me of SoSoHappy. :)

  • Adrienne

    Meli, you are not alone in your addiction to stealing beer mugs! I have more than one friend who also shares this compulsion, several of whom have left their “scores” at our apartment :D

  • http://www.melificent.com Meli

    Anika – you know it!
    I have to warn you though…after having that little tripod for only a couple of days, it broke. I’m super disappointed. Save your $20!

    Adri – so glad I’m not alone! ;)

  • Elsie

    I have to get those labels!

  • Anika

    wow, seriously? That sucks. :(