Lovable Friday!

1. Cloud hangers

I wish I could tell you I know exactly where you can find and purchase these adorable cloud hangers, but unfortunately, this was one of those random Tumblr finds. However, after some Internet research, I found similar ones from one of my old favorites, Fred Flare. How cute would these look in a child’s closet or just to display some special frocks? Sigh!

2. High croissant bun tutorial

I’ve never been very good with styling my hair, and much less with updo’s. That’s why I’m enjoying all these bun tutorials that are springing up all over the Internets. One in particular stood out for me from one of my favorite new fashion blogs, The Girl Never Gets Older, detailing a croissant-esque high bun. Naturally, I was intimidated when I first tried it out, but it was so easy and looked so adorable. It’s the reason that I decided to pack bobby pins and hairspray for our trip – I’m definitely rocking this bun throughout Europe! ps; how cute is she???

3. DIY sparkly bib

Another fabulous and trendy DIY project from another one of my favorite fashion bloggers, Stripes & Sequins. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that collars/bibs are making a huge splash in the fashion world. Whether they are simple, scalloped or sequined, they can make the oldest outfit new and fashion forward again. However, they tend to come with substantial price tags, which is why I was drawn to this seemingly simple DIY! All you are going to need is felt, rhinestones, sequins, a glue gun and satin ribbon. I am all over this one considering I have the majority of the materials – I’m kind of loving these as gifts for some of my girlfriends for the upcoming holidays!

4. Kate Spade iPhone cover

Oh, Kate Spade. She seems to be making appearances every Friday lately! I’m not a proud owner of a new iPhone just yet (hoping that will be my Christmas present), but I could be totally into one of these lovely cases once I am! Once again, I am completely floored as to how Ms. Spade can design such fun, yet chic pieces and make it look so flawless and simple. Please share your secrets with me, even though I am not worthy!

5. Burlap runners

Sometimes the simplest things can add so much to an event. Who would have thought that using burlap as a runner would make a table scape look so rustically elegant? I absolutely love the look for an outdoor wedding/shower possibly on a ranch or a winery. Marking this one for future use (do I say that every week?).

What I’m most excited for this weekend is my hubs’ annual Halloween bash at his job! I have a really fun costume ready that I can’t wait to rock! What are all you lovelies doing for the spookiest weekend of the year?

  • http://twitter.com/lilypads Anika

    I have one of the polka dot Kate Spade cases. It’s pretty fab. ;)
    & love that bun style/tutorial! <3

  • http://www.twitter.com/lilypads Anika Guldstrand

    I have one of the polka dot Kate Spade cases. It’s pretty fab. ;)
    & love that bun style/tutorial! <3

  • TheFashionPoet


  • http://www.TheFashionPoet.com/ The Fashion Poet


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