Deck the Halls

I was so relieved to take a break from studying to be able to spend some quality time with the hubs & decorate our house for Christmas this past weekend! I feel like people jumped on the Christmas train way earlier this year – there were houses in my neighborhood decked out for the holidays well before Thanksgiving! What gives? I personally like to take holidays one at a time. What’s the rush, people?!

Have I mentioned how much I love having a faux tree? SO easy and low maintenance! The only thing I do miss is that delicious pine smell that no longer permeates my home. However, that’s nothing a little holiday Febreeze can’t take care of! ;)

Ps; although I find myself unable to sleep as soundly as I used to at night, I’m kind of in love with American Horror Story. I’m pretty sure Zachary Quinto is to blame (ohmyhawt).

  • Nivs

    As far as the scent goes, they sell something called Scentsicles at WalMart for around $7. It comes in Fir, Pine, Spruce, and Wreath. It’s pretty strong so it fills the house with awesome Christmas-y cheer and lasts quite a while.

  • Nivs

    As far as the scent goes, they sell something called Scentsicles at WalMart for around $7. It comes in Fir, Pine, Spruce, and Wreath. It’s pretty strong so it fills the house with awesome Christmas-y cheer and lasts quite a while.

  • Roxanne Smith

    Always love your colorful tree! And awesome Maleficent ornament!!

  • Tanukimimi

    Always love your colorful tree! And awesome Maleficent ornament!!

  • Jessica Lawson

    Oh, and I am a big AHS fan! Every Wednesday my friend(s) come over to watch it with me! -Jessica L

  • Jessica L

    Oh, and I am a big AHS fan! Every Wednesday my friend(s) come over to watch it with me! -Jessica L