What I Wore: Batman & Bows

Maybe those two things don’t go together for everyone, but for me? Why not! Batman enjoys glamor, does he not? Heh. Either way, I haven’t gotten dressed in normal clothes for 3 weeks now, so I jumped at the chance to have a mini-date with the hubs this past Sunday. Sure, it included washing our cars and buying nail polish, but we did sneak in some drinks & snacks at a local brewhouse. It was nice and a welcome change from my caged animal status. Great news? It will be over in a little over a week! That means more posts and more outfits to share. Everyone, rejoice! ;)

Tee; Zara – sold out everywhere! :(
Jeans; J. Brand
Loafers; Target {similar}
Cuff; Glint & Gleam via ShopLately.com {similar}
Earrings; Forever 21 {similar}
Polish; Essie’s Blue Rhapsody

I probably saw a really, really cute animal when this shot was taken.

Forget birds. Put a bow on it!

  • http://www.anikaguldstrand.com Anika Guldstrand

    Well you know I approve of bows and Batman. ;)
    Those jeans are seriously great on you, btw!

    • Anonymous

      Thank you! Can you believe someone had thrown them away? I found them while thrifting for $15!!!

  • http://www.twitter.com/lilypads Anika Guldstrand

    Well you know I approve of bows and Batman. ;)
    Those jeans are seriously great on you, btw!

    • melificent

      Thank you! Can you believe someone had thrown them away? I found them while thrifting for $15!!!

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  • SarahS
    • http://www.melificent.com Meli

      Thank you!!

  • SarahS