Magical Moments Monday

x. The Voice blind auditions make my Mondays so much better. Anyone else addicted?
x. Scored all 20 movie tickets to The Hunger Games opening weekend!
x. Speaking of The Hunger Games, some of the cast members are doing a mall tour & they are coming here! I’ll be there, will you?
x. Attending a fun blogger event at The Limited (more later this week).
x. Lunch (complete with yummy margaritas) with a friend.
x. Getting started on house projects – my closet came first!
x. Nicaraguan food and Netflix movies from the comfort of our couch.
x. Finally displaying our wedding album after nearly 5 years of marriage!
x. Hunger Games party crafting with the bestie – really doesn’t get any better!
x. Oscar trash talking – sorry no best/worst dressed list this year from me!

Have an awesome week, everyone!

The Limited Store Launch

Attention local fashionistas! The Limited in Dadeland Mall has a new home (now between Macy’s and JCPenny’s) and they want to celebrate with you this Friday, February 24th, at noon! Come join in the ribbon cutting, raffle, store tours and free swag with all purchases. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a great lunch break! Plus, I’ll be there! ;)

Curious about what has changed? A lot! But some of my favorite added features are buttons in the dressing room for more efficient service if, let’s say, you need another size or color, a sitting area and “Ebar” by the dressing room area for your friends and/or significant others to make their wait time a little more bearable (my hubs will definitely appreciate this one), and jewelry stands outside the rooms to make styling your outfit even easier! Plus, the store got a facelift – doesn’t it look gorgeous?

Hope to see you there – if not, visit The Limited on Facebook and stick around here on the blog. I’ll be giving away a mighty loaded gift card next week to one lucky reader to spend as they wish!

Magical Moments Monday

x. this song – such a mood lifter.
x. cheating on my gluten free diet with Pasta Factory mid-week.
x. finding a great pair of jeans (not an easy feat).
x. meeting a new member of our pup family (not ours).
x. making new friends.
x. scoring discounted tickets to Dali Miami - so excited!
x. the ladies of Miami’s Vice City Rollers rockin’ their 1st bout.
x. an impromptu trip to The Keys with my love to celebrate our own kind of Valentine’s.

Have a great week, everyone!!

What I Wore: The Kills Concert

The Kills is one of my hubby’s favorite bands…and mine. For his birthday present, I got him tickets to see them in Paris last year during our Europe trip and they So naturally when we found out they were going to play in South Florida, we had to get tickets once again. Holy hell. Why are they so amazing? Add front row status, and we almost couldn’t handle it. Alison Mosshart is electric, hot, and magnetic (Jamie, you are not far behind, my friend).

Which leads me into why these photos may be a little…well, awkward looking. They were taken outside the venue a couple of hours before doors opened and Alison was literally down the street. I just could not concentrate on my best “fashion blogger stance/face/pose” because the level of cool in the air was raised an infinite amount of notches and I just could not compete. So ridiculous giggles and weird contorted faces resulted instead. Sorry for that.

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CasaIdeas Giveaway Winner!

A big congratulations to New to Miami for winning the CasaIdeas goodie bag!
I will be in contact with you shortly so I can send you your winnings.

Thanks to everyone who participated! If you are local, make sure to check out the store in the Shops at Sunset Place!

Don’t Forget!

Don’t forget to enter the CasaIdeas giveaway!!!! Today is the last day to enter – the winner will be chosen at random at midnight on 12/15. There are only a measly 5 entries! I know more people than that like free and cute stuff – especially around the holidays!!!!

ps; I know, I miss Hump Day too.

CasaIdeas Giveaway

As you all know, I am a big fan of CasaIdeas, the fun home goods store in South Miami. I was given an exciting guided tour of their fall collection back in October, and was given a couple of goodie bags. Although I kept one (who wouldn’t), I had an extra and figured I would give you all the opportunity to call it your own! This giveaway includes a versatile black and white tote bag, a colorful notebook, a set of girly nail files and a convenient pedicure set.

Would you like the chance to win?
It’s easy:

1. Comment to this post with what you want the most for your home this Christmas.
2. Add CasaIdeas on Facebook and/or Twitter

A winner will be chosen at random a week from today, December 15th.
Good luck, readers!

CasaIdeas Blogger Event

I was so happy to be invited to CasaIdeas‘ blogger event last week where both myself and my lovely friend Marisol from Modishly Delish received a private tour of the store’s new fall collection. CasaIdeas originated in Chile, and Miami’s Sunset Place location marks the first in the United States due to its melting pot of Latin cultures. What I love the most about the company is that they are not afraid to play with color, something I can relate to myself. The new collection showcases beautiful fall colors and designs inspired by the forest, which can also be seen in their store decor.

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Derby at the Races

I hope all of you had a fantastic Labor Day weekend – I know I did!

Time absolutely flew by (as it always does during long weekends), but the highlight was definitely attending the Coconut Grove Bed Races with my fellow derby sisters to push Tinker Tank‘s bed. For those of you that don’t know, I joined the Miami’s Vice City Rollers, Miami’s first roller derby team back in July. A few weeks later, I can honestly say that I have made a lot of great friends and learned so so much about technique and the game. Despite my hectic work schedule, I am trying to make it a priority and may have even suckered the hubs to jump on board as a ref! For all those interested in joining the team, we will be holding an open house on Sunday, September 18th. For more information, make sure to check out our website or Facebook fan page.

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My 1st Day as a Derby Dame

I have to say, I was pretty nervous come Sunday night. It was time for my first roller derby practice to be part of the Miami Vice City Rollers, and aside from skating around my house (literally, up and down my hallways) and briefly around my neighborhood (I really need outdoor wheels), I had not been unleashed in the open so to speak. Due to inclement weather, practice was moved from an outdoor roller hockey rink to a local skate rink, Super Wheels (a site that hosted many of my childhood birthday parties). Because of the change in venue, practice took a very different feel and instead of doing drills, we were told it would be more of a “dodging” practice.

And dodge we did. There were several children’s birthday parties occurring and just an influx of people that clearly had never seen a roller skate in their life, much less put a pair on their feet. I kind of felt like I was in a video game – there were small children colliding and face planting all around me, and I did my absolute best to avoid plowing through each and every one of them. One of the lovely girls on the team helped me begin my journey towards crossover turning (never learned as a kid), and I did my best working slowly towards sliding one foot in front of the other. By the end of the free skate, I’m pretty sure I had improved somewhat, but was still terrified to attempt to lift off fully (probably because of the pint-sized hazards).

I didn’t fall once (squee!), and was able to chat with a few of the girls – all of which are super sweet and supportive. I honestly cannot wait until next week’s proper practice, although I must say I am extremely overwhelmed with this new world and its lingo/science. Bearings, bushings, toe guards. What? Slow down, crazy. I also really need to build up my endurance: skating around for 2 hours had me seriously beat. Good news? Since the team is openly recruiting, we did not have to try out. We are all part of the team and will work up to be bout ready by December.

Guys, I’m a derby girl!
Here’s to keeping all my body parts and teeth in tact.