Lovable Friday!


1. District-9
1. District-9

After hearing about this movie for months and attending a panel at Comic-Con, I am so excited the premiere date for District-9 is here! We have tickets to a showing tonight with a group of friends and I can’t wait! In case you are one of the 4 people that have not heard of this movie, it is set in a time where aliens have landed on Earth, but have been segregated from the general public in an area called District-9. I’ll make sure to put together a review come Monday as part of my weekend highlights for all of you!

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Comic-Con Bound!

The day has finally arrived! Tomorrow morning I’ll be en route to San Diego to attend Comic-Con 2009! I couldn’t be more excited and I really will try my best to blog if possible (don’t know if I have wifi at the hotel or if I’ll have the time!). One thing you can count on is my Twitter. I’ll be live tweeting as much of the event as possible so you’ll want to be keeping an eye on it throughout the rest of the week.

Edit: As of this morning, I have been asked to help contribute to DarkUFO‘s live coverage of Comic-Con! I will be live tweeting from their twitter account throughout the 4 days, so you can check ComicConLive for my reports as well. I will still be posting from my personal account though so make sure you have both added! Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. ODI!

For all those friends I have made out there in Twitter/Blog-land, I’d love to meet up with you! If we seem to be in similar locations or going to the same panels, please reply to me or send me a message on Twitter! Don’t be shy! ;)

For those interested, I plan on attending the following panels:



Summit Entertainment’s New Moon Panel

This one depends on what time we are able to get to the Convention Center as our plane lands at 11am and I’m sure it’ll take us awhile to pick up our rental car, check in to the hotel and make our way over to the center. I’ve heard crazy Twi-hards have been sleeping on the premises since yesterday – so I’m not sure if I’ll make it in and also not so sure if I will want to endure the torture that is screaming, hysterical tweens.


Showtime: Dexter Panel

I will most definitely be here! Love Dexter and can’t wait to see what they have in store for us! Hoping for a Season 4 sneak peek!


Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog

It took me entirely too long to watch this, despite countless friends’ recommendations, but I am so glad I finally did! I’m a huge fan of the NPH and this only made my love swell! If you like musicals and Joss Whedon, please check it out! You can find it on Hulu. I thought NPH would be there himself, but seems like it was just wishful thinking. Although (from experience), you never know who may show up where at Comic-Con!

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H to the P


So I decided to say Screw It! to Lovable Friday today to let you know how awesome Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince was. I was planning on a full review, but lately I have felt a little less than inspired and honestly very burnt out. All I can say is my vacation to San Diego can’t come soon enough!

Although not entirely true to the book (what movie is, really?), it did a great job capturing the feel and the basics. Plus the visuals were absolutely amazing! I wasn’t able to re-read the book in time for the movie, but I think it was one of the best so far. Unfortunately, the madness at the theater made me think twice about ever attending another midnight movie again and definitely solidified my plans to watch New Moon at Cinebistro (they showed the trailer & all the little girls shrieked like they had just been stabbed).

So with that, I wish you all a great weekend & hope you are not too disappointed with my lackluster post today. Good news? I’ll be cutting my hair this morning and hitting up Yard House for happy hour! Thank goodness for a little R&R to recharge the batteries!

Lovable Friday!


1. My New Macbook!
1. My New Macbook!

Number one this Friday has got to be my brand new, sparkling Macbook! I am sure I have the best hubby in the world – he is always thinking of me and what would make me happy. Boy, was he right on the money! I couldn’t be happier being able to blog from any corner of my house and have lightning speed Internet. I am in love. I can’t wait to further customize it and call it my own :)

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Away We Go


Are we fuck-up’s?

That is the question that John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph’s characters ask themselves in the film, Away We Go, as they realize that they are expecting their first child, are in their mid-30’s, not married & still searching for a place to call home. I couldn’t be happier that my friend Roxy and I were able to catch this limited release flick after missing out on the advanced screening of 500 Days of Summer Tuesday night. I completely adored this endearing movie in so many ways.

The movie revolves around the couple as they try to find “the right place” to raise their child and begin this new chapter in their lives. They visit several friends and family members along the way and learn valuable lessons about themselves as a couple, how they want to raise their children and sometimes how unfair life can be. All the characters were amazing and so very real (even Maggie Gyllenhaal’s crazy hippie persona). And I especially liked how (for once) Hollywood portrayed a couple that was truly in love and ready to battle whatever life sent their way as long as they were together (wedding ring or not).

I was really able to relate and I think other couples will too. It is both a hysterically funny and thought-provoking movie. I can’t recommend it enough. I laughed & cried until tears rolled down my face. I definitely suggest making this one a date movie as you will want to snuggle into your significant other several times throughout and it will surely give way to a lot of lovey-dovey conversations afterwards.

I will leave you with perhaps the best line from a movie I have heard in some time:
I promise to love you even if I can’t find your vagina.

Check out showtimes & the official trailer.

Random Splatterings of Goodness.


Since I am feeling a little under the weather due to my allergies deciding to mutate and become the most annoying cold overnight and just generally feel a little less than inspired, today’s post will lack focus. So sit back and enjoy some of the random items that have caught my eye on the grand old Internets:

bot02 Images from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland have surfaced and oh my holy God does it look amazing. Do I seriously have to wait until 2010?

bot02 My fear has subsided! My precious ZQ has appeared on the set of Heroes! And looking mighty fine while doing so if I may add!

bot02 Have you seen the site, Geeky Tattoos? It is an excellent mid-workday time-waster and will make you chuckle repeatedly.

bot02 John & Kate (plus hate) have officially filed for divorce. Does this mean we never have to see or hear from them again? Because that would be super.

bot02 Nothing made me laugh harder than seeing vampire, Bill Compton, shopping in Forever 21 during Sunday’s episode of True Blood. I wonder if he picked up some fabulous finds?

Tomorrow we will be back to our regularly scheduled program – no worries, ladies – I have not forgotten that it is hump day and already have a hottie lined up to make the work week more bearable, promise. No sickness could keep me away from delivering the hotness!

Anyone want to bring me soup? Or antihistamines?

Weekend Highlights!


I had a musical beginning to my weekend on Friday night thanks to my husband’s place of employment: Agency Net. Always a big fan of ANET events, I was really excited when they announced a karaoke night for employees and their significant others and friends. Although I really didn’t plan on singing (definitely not my strong point), I was having so much fun that I did partake in a few threesomes and group songs (although staying as far from the mic as possible). Don’t believe how hilarious & fun these people are? Check out the video under the jump:

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Lovable Friday!


1. Pretty Sweets!
1. Pretty Sweets!

This lovable link comes straight from my husband, Augi. He frequents a Russian photo blog and thought of me when he saw this post. It’s a collection of beautifully decorated and presented sweets. Plenty of inspiration for your wedding’s candy buffet (are those still in vogue?) or next party.  Although not a big sweets fan (I favor ice cream much more), I can appreciate it’s beauty in photos and the joy it brings others. OK, so I’ve been known to stuff my face every now & then with the rest of them – I can’t lie! ;)

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Back at Home!

I know I promised you guys pictures (& they are coming), but I am still trying to recover from our speedy California trip! I’ll say that it was great and made me want to move to the West Coast (as always), but I’m also really glad to be home! Unfortunately, I am really behind on household chores, school and work and those all take precedence over the bloggy blog right now so I’m going to have to put it on the back burner for today until I play some catch up!

However, I did catch the MTV Movie Awards last night and have to say that there were some pretty amazing moments. I’ll post more about those later, but I’ll leave you with something that made me genuinely fangirl: the New Moon trailer. Can I tell you how excited I am that they got Jacob’s transformation right? Because I literally jumped off the couch in excitement (& scared my friend & husband half to death). If you haven’t seen it or just want to see it again, here you go:

Lovable Friday!


1. Trip to California!
1. Trip to California!

Next week the hubs and I will be heading to the west coast to join in the festivities for his cousin’s high school graduation in Folsom, CA. Although we will only have one day to enjoy the amazing-ness that is San Francisco, I will take it! The hubs grew up in the Bay Area so no doubt his heart strings will be pulled hard and tight – can’t make any promises that we will want to come back! ;) This also means that Melificent will be devoid of any posts next week, so try not to miss me too much! Hopefully I’ll return with some great posts about my trip. On an aside, I have no idea what to pack for our day in SF! This Miami girl does not know how to handle drastically changing day-to-night weather! Yipes!

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