Happy Hump Day: Paul McCartney

Very few of you may know that my hubby helps me choose men to feature on hump days. You may laugh, but he has a pretty discerning eye when it comes to hot men (reasons he says I can never go to Rome alone). This week, I was completely stumped. Then he gave me the idea: vintage hotties. Now there’s an idea! I had to begin my first of the many with the always lovely Paul McCartney. Not only is he talented and beautiful, but he sure does have an arsenal of amazing photos. I can’t wait to honor his and the band’s legacy by walking down Abbey Road in a couple of months!

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Happy Hump Day: Michael Pitt

Michael Pitt is the perfect balance of pretty boy and grunge rocker: sweet, boyish features paired with a fuck you attitude and a wardrobe that screams, “I may smell a little.” And that seems to have gotten him pretty far: he is doing great on HBO’s hit show, Boardwalk Empire, and stereotypically enough, he’s also the singer and guitarist in a band, Pagoda. He personally reminds me of the late, great Kurt Cobain, so it was no surprise that he played the 90’s grunge prince in Gus Van Sant’s Last Days – a movie that has been on my must-see list for far too long. He also has quite the collection of amazing photographs that I was lucky enough to stumble upon while scouring Tumblr. Make sure to check out the sampling under the cut!

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I can’t believe I forgot to type up a Lovable Friday post this week!
That makes 2 weeks where I haven’t shared some of my most favorite things, and I’m so terribly sorry!

::bad, bad blogger::

I promise I’ll bring my A game next week, but for now, here is something I have re-discovered and fallen in love with all over again this week: Radiohead’s Fake Plastic Trees. It’s just one of those classics that just never gets old, and makes my heart sad and happy at the same time. I love that music can still do that to me, and I hope it always does.


If I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted all the time

Lovable Friday!

1. Brightly colored pumps

I guess we can all thank Gwyneth Paltrow and her hot colorful heels at the Grammy’s for this new trend. And I’m not really complaining. These babies are a great substitute and at $32, you can’t deny them! Too bad I’d probably fall on my face with those serious stilettos. I’m going to have to start practicing ;)

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Lovable Friday!

1. Scalloped Purse

Scallops have once again melted my heart. This clutch is just all sorts of wonderful. Between the color, the fabric and the little gold tassle, my heart has hit girly overload. I must have it. Unfortunately, it is $100. Oh Top Shop, you vile wench. I shall have my way with you in November!

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Spring Mixtape

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New season, new music.
Hope you all enjoy some Melificent tunes!
(& my new music player courtesy of playlist.com)

What’s your favorite track on my playlist?
What would be on your own Spring mixtape?
Share with me in the comments!

Weekend Highlights

3/11 is not only 311 day (!!!), but also my mother and brother-in-law’s birthdays. Friday night we celebrated their birthdays at my sister’s house, and just had a generally good time with family. I personally loved my adorable outfit that night, but unfortunately, I forgot to take a quick full-length shot for the blog. Oops!

Saturday night, the 90’s never died. My friend, Bonnie, and I went to the Magic City Casino to see the Gin Blossoms and Sugar Ray show. Yeah, you read right. How could I resist? We had such a good time going back in time via music – Gin Blossoms were ridiculous, in a great way. They teased that at this point in their career, they would play anywhere. Don’t joke, ‘Blossoms. I do have a birthday coming up ;)

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Lovable Friday: Concert Edition

I know I usually feature items that are currently on my wish list at the moment on Fridays, but for the first time in what felt like eons, I went to two separate shows this week and wanted to share them both with you all! After all, it’s been a long time since a concert review here on Melificent.

Credit: Melificent

Monday night the hubs and I checked out Ra Ra Riot at the Culture Room in Broward. They’re an indie rock band from New York that boasts both a cellist and violinist, how many rock bands can say the same? That’s definitely what makes them stand out in the vast crowd of indie hipsters out there, and what drew me to their sound. However, seeing them perform live only solidified my opinion of them. They totally and completely killed it. They were “on” from start to end, and really blew me away with their passionate performance. Even my husband, who is a bit of a musical elitist, was impressed.

Really glad I decided to drop my cash on these guys rather than the Gin Blossoms & Sugar Ray tomorrow. As much as I would have liked reliving the 90’s nostalgia, I doubt they would have wow’ed me much (but I still kinda wanna go).

If you haven’t heard of Ra Ra Riot, check out their debut album (& my personal favorite), The Rhumb Line. For a little taste, check out their video for Can You Tell (a song I most definitely rocked out to on Monday night):

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90’s Flashback

As I mentioned during yesterday’s post, I am a teen of the 90’s. Some say I haven’t really moved on, especially musically. I just don’t think anyone can compare to the wonderfully grungy, alternative bands of the decade. Is that so wrong?

Via wehearit.com

I was inspired by some fun I had on Facebook a few weeks ago, when I started uploading some of my favorite 90’s videos. All my friends seemed to love it, and we had a great time reminiscing about “the good old days” (are we getting old or what!). So without further ado, here were some of my most favorite 90’s music videos:

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Happy Hump Day: Raine Maida

I am a adolescent of the 90’s. This is pretty evident once you get to know me and my CD collection. I have fond memories of using school computers to go on band fansites (I didn’t have Internet of my own just yet) and print out photos of all my favorite hot rockstars to wallpaper my locker or notebooks. I vividly remember Raine Maida of Our Lady Peace being one of them. Although they were a pretty big deal in the 90’s, I was surprised to see them still touring recently. They played at a local South Florida rock festival a couple of years ago that I attended and I was curious to see if they would still sound the same, worse? I was pleasantly surprised when they took the stage that they are still as great as ever and even appeased all us 90’s fans by playing their old material, which instantly took me back to being an angsty teenager (a place of comfort once you are an angsty adult). Another surprise? That lead singer, Raine, was just as hot as I remembered. But I’ll leave that opinion up to you all.

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