Squeeworthy: I/A Collektive


I usually like posting about my friends that are extremely talented and creative so they can get the exposure they deserve in the blogosphere, or at least in my own personal space in the blogosphere (heh). But this time, I am able to gush about my own husband! Augi spends his days working as an Art Director at an interactive agency, but he is lucky enough to have many talents (so jealous). He is an amazing guitarist and artist, but I’d say his biggest passion outside of work is photography. Augi is a self-taught photographer that has just recently been honing in on his craft. He’s invited some of our closest friends and family to model for him in order to build his portfolio and he finally thought it was robust enough to put together a blog/website showing off his work, which can be found here!

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Lovable Friday


1. Muse: The Resistance
1. Muse: The Resistance

Besides the Smashing Pumpkins, I can’t really say I love a band more than Muse. Not very surprising since they have a lot of similar characteristics musically. What can I say? I’m predictable. Either way, this band blows my mind on a regular basis so I had been impatiently waiting for their new album for what seems like ages. Finally, there was a leak this week and I didn’t think twice before hitting the download button. I know people are going to hate because that’s what people do, but my GOD is this album good. I can only describe it as an eargasm – I would make love to every track, no joke. What other band can close their album with a 3-part symphony? Absolutely no one, but Muse. My favorite of the moment? Undisclosed Desires. It could be described as Smashing Pumpkins & Depeche Mode’s song baby and it is all sorts of awesome. Have I mentioned that I am going to see them open up for U2 next month in Tampa? Because I am so excited I could burst. I’ve never seen them live and although we have nosebleed seats (seriously, who can afford decent U2 tickets???), I am going to be happier than a pig in shit. No joke. Plus, there are rumors that they will be playing a 12 song set, much longer than typical openers (because they are awesome, hello)! So if you are going, I’ll be the certifiably insane fangirl singing and dancing like a fool. Feel free to come over and flail with me.

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Weekend Highlights: Labor Day Edition


Unfortunately, I couldn’t enjoy my long weekend to the fullest because I came down with a pretty nasty cold mid-week. Thankfully, resting all Friday by calling in sick from work helped me feel well enough to hit the road Saturday night to attend the grand opening party for Pink Ghost, a great vinyl toy and art store (among other things). The store used to be located across the street from my hubby’s office in Las Olas, but recently made the move to Hollywood Circle, which from what I hear (I’m not that familiar with the area) was a good choice. We were so happy for the owners (we’ve developed a close relationship with them) and were blown away with the turn out! I picked up an adorable autographed “chubby book” illustrated by Helena Garcia, who was gracious enough to attend the party and sign her work. For those of you who dig this kind of merchandise and are local, definitely make your way over to Pink Ghost – the items are fun, the people are friendly and the location is ace! All win, all the time. Their new location is:

1888 Polk Street
Hollywood, FL 33020

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Lin & Jirsa

Everyone knows I’m an avid Twitter user. I am its biggest fan, but I can also get pretty annoyed with the seemingly odd strangers that decide to follow me (sexbots excluded). This past week, the opposite happened. Instead of some weirdo, an amazingly talented person decided to follow me: Christopher Lin of Lin & Jirsa Photography.


His company was voted the best wedding photographers of 2009 by MyFOXLA Hotlist and after looking through their blog, I can understand why. I know I’ve been married for almost 2 years now, but I cannot stop myself from checking out wedding photography blogs, wedding decor inspiration and even wedding dresses from time to time. I am just a sucker for event planning. So for all of my readers that are planning their wedding, planning someone else’s wedding, an event or are just a fan of pretty pictures, take a gander at their portfolio.

My favorite recent picture of theirs has to be the one above of a wedding that took place in a home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Are you kidding me? Flipping amazing.

Thanks for the add, Christopher!

Lovable Friday!


1. All-Mighty Barrettes
1. All-Mighty Barrettes

I love my dogs so much. I can’t imagine ever owning any other breed, so naturally, I adore All-Mighty, a store dedicated to “the love of Boston Terriers.” They sell everything from onesies, adorable tees & now barrettes! Secretly, I am still a little girl that likes to wear bows in her hair (OK, maybe not such a secret) so these are slaying me! I am definitely buying some, but I am torn: there are so many different styles to choose from (12 to be exact)! What’s a girl to do?? I guess I’ll just have to get them all ;)

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Elijah Wood has been a fan of lomography for some time now, but he just decided to join the site as their newest amigo! A gallery of over 80 intimate photos has been uploaded to the site taken by Elijah and his trusty LC-A+ depicting travels, friends and general good times. Also surprised to see that Elijah is such a great photographer and does such a great job capturing moments – makes me love him even more! My favorite shot? The series of Radio Flyers – I know it has to be an homage to the ’92 flick he starred in, which happens to be one of my favorite childhood movies.

Want to see some of our Lomo shots?

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Lovable Friday!


1. My New Macbook!
1. My New Macbook!

Number one this Friday has got to be my brand new, sparkling Macbook! I am sure I have the best hubby in the world – he is always thinking of me and what would make me happy. Boy, was he right on the money! I couldn’t be happier being able to blog from any corner of my house and have lightning speed Internet. I am in love. I can’t wait to further customize it and call it my own :)

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Random Splatterings of Goodness.


Since I am feeling a little under the weather due to my allergies deciding to mutate and become the most annoying cold overnight and just generally feel a little less than inspired, today’s post will lack focus. So sit back and enjoy some of the random items that have caught my eye on the grand old Internets:

bot02 Images from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland have surfaced and oh my holy God does it look amazing. Do I seriously have to wait until 2010?

bot02 My fear has subsided! My precious ZQ has appeared on the set of Heroes! And looking mighty fine while doing so if I may add!

bot02 Have you seen the site, Geeky Tattoos? It is an excellent mid-workday time-waster and will make you chuckle repeatedly.

bot02 John & Kate (plus hate) have officially filed for divorce. Does this mean we never have to see or hear from them again? Because that would be super.

bot02 Nothing made me laugh harder than seeing vampire, Bill Compton, shopping in Forever 21 during Sunday’s episode of True Blood. I wonder if he picked up some fabulous finds?

Tomorrow we will be back to our regularly scheduled program – no worries, ladies – I have not forgotten that it is hump day and already have a hottie lined up to make the work week more bearable, promise. No sickness could keep me away from delivering the hotness!

Anyone want to bring me soup? Or antihistamines?

Lovable Friday!


1. Pretty Sweets!
1. Pretty Sweets!

This lovable link comes straight from my husband, Augi. He frequents a Russian photo blog and thought of me when he saw this post. It’s a collection of beautifully decorated and presented sweets. Plenty of inspiration for your wedding’s candy buffet (are those still in vogue?) or next party.  Although not a big sweets fan (I favor ice cream much more), I can appreciate it’s beauty in photos and the joy it brings others. OK, so I’ve been known to stuff my face every now & then with the rest of them – I can’t lie! ;)

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