Thank You

I just wanted to extend a huge virtual hug to all the lovely people that left me sweet comments on the blog, Facebook and Twitter about my decision to take a hiatus. I really appreciate everyone’s support of Melificent! Although I am currently working on some new endeavors that will bring me back into the blogosphere in one way or another, you can catch me over on Instagram. I’ll be showcasing my outfits in a different way over there & hope I can continue to provide some fun & joy over the Interwebs.

I hope to be able to announce 1 of the 2 new projects by the summer months (I’m aiming for July)!

Farewell For Now

After 3 years in the blogosphere, the time has come to step away from Melificent.

This is not a permanent goodbye (I don’t like those), but a hiatus of sorts. This has been an undertaking for me, mainly because I do not like to do things half way. I wanted to post daily, with original content, about things I enjoy. I wanted to be real – I didn’t want to portray a persona and I wanted it to be fun. I did this despite having a full time job that I LOVE, but nonetheless takes up a lot of my time.

I loved every second. Although, now 3 years later, I am a little disillusioned. I love all the relationships I made through this blog, and hope I can find another venture (whether it be this blog re-imagined, another blog or something completely different) that will leave some sort of mark.

Until we meet again….

& I’m Off!

Photo via

I’m leaving on a jet plane today to visit one of our bestest friends who moved to Richmond, VA nearly one year ago! We miss him a whole lot and can’t wait to spend time with him in his new city AND visit Washington D.C. just in time for the Cherry Blossom Festival! If you follow me on Instagram, look out for all the pretty pictures that will surely flood my stream.

Until then,

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I was so beyond flattered and surprised to get an email from Emma of Clementine & Lace saying that she had nominated me for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award. How sweet is that??? I never think anyone is reading this blog (I’m my own worst critic), so it’s always nice to receive little special reminders that I may be wrong. But what I loved the most was getting to know new bloggers that quickly got added to my favorite list! Below are the rules and my nominees. Thanks again, Emma! You are a sweetheart. :)


1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State seven things about yourself.
4. Nominate fifteen other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven things about me;

1. I have a snake phobia. It’s bad.
2. I have dance parties in my house when I’m home alone with my dogs. Mainly to Maroon 5.
3. My nails are always manicured. You will never see them bare.
4. I don’t like people touching my feet or hands.
5. I’m so clumsy. I fall/trip or break/drop things a whole lot.
6. I say SAL-mon. [reference]
7. When I was a kid, I couldn’t sleep because I feared I would be abducted by aliens.


1. The Fashionable ESQ
2. Clementine & Lace
3. Oh Happy Day!
4. GrrFeisty
5. Of Corgis & Cocktails
6. Running on Happiness
7. The SecondHand Closet
8. Kirstin Marie
9. The Average Girls Guide
10. Accidental Sexiness
11. Me! Madonna!
12. This Creative Life
13. Wajima
14. Eat Drink Chic
15. Twinkie Chan


It happened. I passed my test. Finally.

This is why I will be MIA this week. I’ve been celebrating nonstop – it feels really special when I can’t even count the amount of people that want to take me out to do just that on one hand. It’s been an amazing few days, so I just wanted to pop in to let you all know what’s been going on, and of course, to share my excitement.

Guys, never give up if you really want something.
I can’t stress that enough. You will have to work hard & sacrifice a lot, but it will be worth it.


I Miss Outfit Posts!


Just a quick little note to let you all know that I miss outfit posts terribly! For those of you that are not in the know, I fractured my foot almost 5 weeks ago. It’s been a process that included me being in a cast for 2 weeks, and now a bootie for 4 additional weeks. Good news is that I can take it off in a week and then come back full force with outfit posts. I’ve wanted to take some with the bootie in tow, but it just doesn’t feel the same.

I hope you’ve missed them just as much as I have, and I promise you they’ll be better than ever once I have all limbs back in functioning order. Three cheers for that!

The Walking Melificent

Sorry I will be a little MIA, readers.

Getting my foot adjusted to walking again is harder than I thought and I spend a lot of my day attempting to walk back and forth around my house. Getting my foot better means getting my life back, which also means way better content on this blog. So cross your little fingers that I’ll be walking soon!

How Was Your Weekend?

Mine was eventful. And not in the way I would have liked. My hubby went away on a friends trip to New York City (I hate how studying continually gets in the way of me enjoying life – ugh), and I had big plans. Mainly involving studying and getting some items checked off my to-do list. Unfortunately, the universe had another idea.

I ended up fracturing my foot after playing with my dog (you notice that there are never good reasons for injuries?) late night Friday, and had to be put in a cast and crutches, which are not coming off for another month. It was very exciting. But since I always try to focus on the positive, here were some highlights;

We got a new chevron rug for our living room from Urban Outfitters on mega sale! I love it so much & it gives our space some new personality. Gwen also approves of it and told me she can’t wait to pee on it in the very near future (her new favorite past time). // The series finale of Fringe was amazing, was it not? I’m glad I watched it alone because I was sobbing like a fool. Favorite moment? You are my favorite thing. Heart strings = pulled.

My big, swollen foot unable to fit in my flippy floppies and killing my Miami Winter outfit. // Colorblocking manicure with Essie’s Cute As A Button & Pansy to brighten my limpy status.

Little things make me happier than brand new agendas. I’m still a dinosaur & don’t believe in using my phone to manage my schedule – I think it’s due to my paper goods obsession. // Speaking of paper goods, I found a great website where you can get really adorable drawer liners. I ordered a sample for our kitchen drawers & I absolutely love it!

My busted up foot in its cast. Basically what my life will look like for the next month.
2013, be better please.

What I Wore: Batman & Bows

Maybe those two things don’t go together for everyone, but for me? Why not! Batman enjoys glamor, does he not? Heh. Either way, I haven’t gotten dressed in normal clothes for 3 weeks now, so I jumped at the chance to have a mini-date with the hubs this past Sunday. Sure, it included washing our cars and buying nail polish, but we did sneak in some drinks & snacks at a local brewhouse. It was nice and a welcome change from my caged animal status. Great news? It will be over in a little over a week! That means more posts and more outfits to share. Everyone, rejoice! ;)

Tee; Zara – sold out everywhere! :(
Jeans; J. Brand
Loafers; Target {similar}
Cuff; Glint & Gleam via {similar}
Earrings; Forever 21 {similar}
Polish; Essie’s Blue Rhapsody

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What I Wore: Football Wife

I got an invite for this new website a few weeks ago called, funny enough, GetAnInvite. It stated that if I signed up and checked off my preferences for events, such as sports, concerts and theater, I would be given the opportunity to get free or nearly free tickets to each based on availability. Let’s just say I thought it was a scam, but I signed up anyways. I like to not be so negative sometimes. ;) Only a few days later, I received an email saying that I was eligible for $6 Miami Dolphins tickets complete with sideline passes. Um, what??? I immediately snagged a pair and for $12, we were able to have a pretty ridiculous date day at the game right on the field with our own lounge that included free food, a bar and private bathrooms. WHAT. I could definitely like football if I experienced it like this.

So, in other words, I suggest you all sign up for this website. I was in no way, shape or form asked to advertise for them – I just think the concept is fantastic!!! It’s nice to be able to experience events you otherwise would have never had the opportunity to – especially with such a sweet price tag (or lack there of). With that said, I had not been to a football game in over a decade, so this was my idea of a good game day outfit and toting a little Sofia Mini was also my idea of tailgating. I have a long way to go, don’t I?

Blouse; Target {similar}
Jeans; dENiZEN for Target
Cardigan; c/o Conversation Pieces {in rust}
Boots; Go Jane {similar}
Ring; Marc Jacobs
Earrings; Forever 21 {similar}
Lipstick; Estee Lauder’s Pink Riot
Polish; Essie’s Aperitif
Shades; Old Navy {similar}

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