Lovable Friday!


Big Chill Appliances
1. Big Chill Appliances

The new trend in kitchens seems to be moving away from the modern stainless steel and inching closer to the retro throw back as seen with Big Chill’s colorful vintage appliances. Big Chill offers fridges, ovens and dishwashers in a rainbow of colors at a very hefty price. I, for one, am a huge fan of retro kitsch (I hope to have a checkerboard kitchen floor one day) so I would love to have one of these puppies (in that delicious candy apple red). Too bad I’ll have to win the lottery first so I’ll just admire from afar. Sigh.

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Happy Hump Day: Lee Pace


Big up to my Twitter buddy, KristinaAwesome, for making this week’s hump day hottie recommendation! Lee Pace is pretty amazing – he has been in some great shows and some really unique & beautiful movies (think The Fall). Plus, you can’t really say he looks like anyone else out there. He is just absolutely adorable. I am ashamed to say that I never watched Pushing Daisies, but have it on my Netflix queue. Heard it is right up my alley. So enjoy the pretty that is Mr. Pace and have a wonderful Hump Day, ladies!

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Comic-Con Recap: Saturday


Oh Saturday. You were batshit insane and then some. But I loved every single second of you. If I could relive any day out of the 4, it would be you. Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

I woke up at the butt crack of dawn (5am, to be exact) in order to secure a good spot at the LOST panel. When we arrived at 6am, the lawn was already slammed. We sat around, made new friends and played some trivia with the ODI. I also took a nice cat nap on the grass. Before we knew it, we were starting to move into Hall H for the last ever LOST panel. There were no words for the excitement I felt, but maybe this video could give you an idea:

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Happy Hump Day: Dominic Monaghan


Mr. Dom. Our love affair began a long time ago. Long before his role as has-been rockstar, Charlie, on LOST. It began when he had hairy feet and spent most of his time chillin’ in the Shire having second breakfasts. Although Elijah Wood has always been my favorite, I couldn’t overlook Dom’s manic and hilarious personality. He just seems like he’d be a really cool kid and someone I’d love to hang out with. Plus, he’s absolutely adorable even though he doesn’t exactly “measure up” to my standards (he’s an itty bitty 5’7″).

I also have to thank him for introducing me to now what is probably my favorite show of all time: LOST. When we attended Comic-Con in 2004, I made sure to be at the (first ever) LOST panel because he was going to be there. He is the reason both the hubs and I got sucked in from that day forward. And not a day goes by that I don’t miss his character to pieces (I can’t watch that episode – my heart breaks every single time!). There have been some hints that he might be returning to LOST (check out the infamous ABC promo) or even possibly on a new ABC show, Flash Forward. So let’s cross our fingers that we will be seeing more of Mr. Monaghan in the coming months, but for now, enjoy these pictures!

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Happy Hump Day: James Mcavoy


I’ve seen James Mcavoy in several movies, but it wasn’t until I saw him in Wanted that I realized he was pretty steamy. I give credit to the shower scene that can be found under the cut (heh). Although not someone you would group under the hottest men in Hollywood, there is just something about him (oh, and that Scottish accent of his definitely doesn’t hurt). What can I say? I tend to like the underdog. Tell me if you feel the same after checking out the following pictures, ladies ;)

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Happy Hump Day: Joshua Jackson


This is a hump day selection that stems back to the days of Bop & Big Bopper. Remember those times? I would use the photos in those magazines to basically wallpaper the back of my door. And I’m pretty sure this photo of Joshua Jackson was included. I’ve been a fan of his since he was in Disney’s Mighty Ducks trilogy (still love those movies, whatever happened to Mike Vitar??) and yes, I am ashamed to say that I also watched Dawson’s Creek mainly because he was on the show (c’mon, everyone knows Pacey was the best character!). And now we are lucky enough to have him on Fringe, which is one of my most favorite shows on TV at the moment. I’m super happy that Fringe will not only have a panel at Comic-Con but that Josh will be in attendance along with his amazing costars, Anna Torv (Olivia Dunham) and John Noble (Walter Bishop)! So congrats to Josh who has managed to evade the child star stigma and build a bright future for himself all while looking pretty good doing so.

On to the photos!

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Random Splatterings of Goodness.


Since I am feeling a little under the weather due to my allergies deciding to mutate and become the most annoying cold overnight and just generally feel a little less than inspired, today’s post will lack focus. So sit back and enjoy some of the random items that have caught my eye on the grand old Internets:

bot02 Images from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland have surfaced and oh my holy God does it look amazing. Do I seriously have to wait until 2010?

bot02 My fear has subsided! My precious ZQ has appeared on the set of Heroes! And looking mighty fine while doing so if I may add!

bot02 Have you seen the site, Geeky Tattoos? It is an excellent mid-workday time-waster and will make you chuckle repeatedly.

bot02 John & Kate (plus hate) have officially filed for divorce. Does this mean we never have to see or hear from them again? Because that would be super.

bot02 Nothing made me laugh harder than seeing vampire, Bill Compton, shopping in Forever 21 during Sunday’s episode of True Blood. I wonder if he picked up some fabulous finds?

Tomorrow we will be back to our regularly scheduled program – no worries, ladies – I have not forgotten that it is hump day and already have a hottie lined up to make the work week more bearable, promise. No sickness could keep me away from delivering the hotness!

Anyone want to bring me soup? Or antihistamines?

Happy Hump Day: Daniel Johns


I know to some of you this might seem like it is coming from left field, but I’ve had a pretty big crush on Daniel Johns since I was 14. All my high school friends will surely remember (in embarrassment). I think we celebrated Dan’s birthday by going to Outback Steakhouse and made him a pretty huge birthday card that my friend Janelle delivered to “his people” when she went to the Silverchair concert when we were sophomores (I wasn’t allowed to go – more about that later). Ah, those were the times.

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Happy Hump Day: Zachary Quinto

4216_82602698275_69478063275_1689941_2980401_nI’m sure all of you were expecting this to come sooner or later! I just couldn’t help myself and actually wanted to do it last week since it was his birthday last Tuesday, but the No Doubt concert got in the way (heh).  So better late than never, right?

Definitely one of the last people on Earth to watch Heroes (Augi & I started our marathons in October of last year), but I was instantly addicted. And especially so to Mr. Quinto who plays everyone’s favorite serial killer, Sylar. Oh yeah, and he’s also that Spock guy. I’ve already gushed about him before when I made my “top 10 men” list, so I won’t repeat it all over again…just know that he makes me swoon to an embarrassing degree. And my husband never lets me forget it ;)

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Lovable Friday!


1. HBO's True Blood
1. HBO's True Blood

Again, late on this bandwagon, huh? Augi and I don’t have HBO, but we heard quite a lot about this series will the first season was airing last year. Everyone told us we would love it since we are both pretty big vampire fans so we made sure to kick it up to the top of our Netflix queue when Season 1 was released on DVD last week. We are hooked! The 3rd DVD just arrived last night and we are gobbling them up! I have to say I was kind of disappointed with the pilot, but the episodes have gotten progressively better and now there is no turning back! Right now I think I am in the massive minority when I say that I favor Sam over Bill?

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