Answer in Pictures

While a (very active) member of Livejournal a few years back, I absolutely adored meme’s. I would do as many as humanly possible, which I’m sure annoyed a great deal of my LJ friends. The draw still hasn’t escaped me, because I’ve decided to include them from time to time here on Melificent. Afterall, sometimes I am not in the most journalistic of moods.

So enjoy this fun picture meme and if you feel so inclined, do one yourself!

01. Hello! This is what I look like:

photo-18The hair is growing nicely, me thinks ;)

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Happy Hump Day: Henry Cavill


I seriously think the term GQMF was created for Henry Cavill.

The hubs and I just recently got into The Tudors and have been obsessively watching Seasons 1 through 3. I have to say, my mind is frazzled with all the drama and political history, but there sure is eye candy in the form of one Henry Cavill (sorry, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, you freak me out). Cavill plays Charles Brandon, the Duke of Suffolk who is a close friend of the King’s and a member of his council. I am completely serious when I say that I don’t think I’ve ever laid eyes on someone more handsome. Even the hubs has to give him props for being “one good looking dude.” So enjoy this lovely picspam, ladies, and let me know if you agree with me ;)

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Looking Forward to Fall


I don’t think it’s a secret: I love TV. A lot. The hubs and I have quite the DVR queue and we are proud to list off all our favorite shows, often to other’s complete horror. It’s hard to believe that a few years ago, I never watched TV. In fact, the only way I would get hooked on a series was if a friend let me borrow their DVD’s. Now I can’t live without it! There really is nothing like coming home, cracking open a beer and disconnecting from reality for a good few hours.

That brings me to summer. Summer is usually an amazing time filled with sun, fun and friends. But it is a terrible time for an avid TV watcher: no new shows. I have to admit, it’s been pretty difficult. We’ve had to fill the void by adding new series to our Netflix queue (The Tudors, Mad Men, Flight of the Conchords, etc.), but it just isn’t the same. I miss my shows. And thankfully the wait is almost over (well, except for LOST)! September is right around the corner and with it brings new programming!

What am I the most pumped for?

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Happy Hump Day: Alexander Skarsgard


I can’t tell you how many of my lovely ladies out there voted to have Mr. Skarsgard as this week’s hump day hottie! Alexander Skarsgard plays vampire sheriff, Eric Northman, on HBO’s True Blood. Although Bill Compton is technically the vampire all us girls should be swooning over (perfect gentleman, protector, hopeless romantic, etc.), it’s the bad boy that has seemed to charm the masses. And it looks like he’s not only charming his female audience, but also his cast members! Deborah Ann Woll, who plays the bratty teenage vampire, Jessica, was practically swooning all over Alexander during the True Blood panel and a sneak peek trailer shown during Comic-Con teased us all by showing a blonde in bed with Sookie! Seems like Alexander definitely has a way with the ladies – enjoy!

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Comic-Con Recap: Saturday


Oh Saturday. You were batshit insane and then some. But I loved every single second of you. If I could relive any day out of the 4, it would be you. Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

I woke up at the butt crack of dawn (5am, to be exact) in order to secure a good spot at the LOST panel. When we arrived at 6am, the lawn was already slammed. We sat around, made new friends and played some trivia with the ODI. I also took a nice cat nap on the grass. Before we knew it, we were starting to move into Hall H for the last ever LOST panel. There were no words for the excitement I felt, but maybe this video could give you an idea:

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Comic-Con Bound!

The day has finally arrived! Tomorrow morning I’ll be en route to San Diego to attend Comic-Con 2009! I couldn’t be more excited and I really will try my best to blog if possible (don’t know if I have wifi at the hotel or if I’ll have the time!). One thing you can count on is my Twitter. I’ll be live tweeting as much of the event as possible so you’ll want to be keeping an eye on it throughout the rest of the week.

Edit: As of this morning, I have been asked to help contribute to DarkUFO‘s live coverage of Comic-Con! I will be live tweeting from their twitter account throughout the 4 days, so you can check ComicConLive for my reports as well. I will still be posting from my personal account though so make sure you have both added! Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. ODI!

For all those friends I have made out there in Twitter/Blog-land, I’d love to meet up with you! If we seem to be in similar locations or going to the same panels, please reply to me or send me a message on Twitter! Don’t be shy! ;)

For those interested, I plan on attending the following panels:



Summit Entertainment’s New Moon Panel

This one depends on what time we are able to get to the Convention Center as our plane lands at 11am and I’m sure it’ll take us awhile to pick up our rental car, check in to the hotel and make our way over to the center. I’ve heard crazy Twi-hards have been sleeping on the premises since yesterday – so I’m not sure if I’ll make it in and also not so sure if I will want to endure the torture that is screaming, hysterical tweens.


Showtime: Dexter Panel

I will most definitely be here! Love Dexter and can’t wait to see what they have in store for us! Hoping for a Season 4 sneak peek!


Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog

It took me entirely too long to watch this, despite countless friends’ recommendations, but I am so glad I finally did! I’m a huge fan of the NPH and this only made my love swell! If you like musicals and Joss Whedon, please check it out! You can find it on Hulu. I thought NPH would be there himself, but seems like it was just wishful thinking. Although (from experience), you never know who may show up where at Comic-Con!

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Lovable Friday!

lovablefriday1Before jumping into my Friday Five, I want to wish all of you a safe & fun Fourth of July weekend! And while you are grilling those scrumptious burgers and laying by the pool, please think of me and have a frozen drink or two in my honor!

1. RockBand Party
1. RockBand Party

Tonight we are hosting a RockBand party at our pad. We are encouraging guests to dress in their best rock duds and bring their shredding skills as they live out their rockstar fantasies as only modern technology can provide. Although I am not going all out like I did for my 27th Rockstar Birthday Extravaganza, it should be fun to dress up, take some crazy ringlight photos and jam with our best friends. I will be sure to post all the pictures come Monday morning, promise. ;)

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Happy Hump Day: Joshua Jackson


This is a hump day selection that stems back to the days of Bop & Big Bopper. Remember those times? I would use the photos in those magazines to basically wallpaper the back of my door. And I’m pretty sure this photo of Joshua Jackson was included. I’ve been a fan of his since he was in Disney’s Mighty Ducks trilogy (still love those movies, whatever happened to Mike Vitar??) and yes, I am ashamed to say that I also watched Dawson’s Creek mainly because he was on the show (c’mon, everyone knows Pacey was the best character!). And now we are lucky enough to have him on Fringe, which is one of my most favorite shows on TV at the moment. I’m super happy that Fringe will not only have a panel at Comic-Con but that Josh will be in attendance along with his amazing costars, Anna Torv (Olivia Dunham) and John Noble (Walter Bishop)! So congrats to Josh who has managed to evade the child star stigma and build a bright future for himself all while looking pretty good doing so.

On to the photos!

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Random Splatterings of Goodness.


Since I am feeling a little under the weather due to my allergies deciding to mutate and become the most annoying cold overnight and just generally feel a little less than inspired, today’s post will lack focus. So sit back and enjoy some of the random items that have caught my eye on the grand old Internets:

bot02 Images from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland have surfaced and oh my holy God does it look amazing. Do I seriously have to wait until 2010?

bot02 My fear has subsided! My precious ZQ has appeared on the set of Heroes! And looking mighty fine while doing so if I may add!

bot02 Have you seen the site, Geeky Tattoos? It is an excellent mid-workday time-waster and will make you chuckle repeatedly.

bot02 John & Kate (plus hate) have officially filed for divorce. Does this mean we never have to see or hear from them again? Because that would be super.

bot02 Nothing made me laugh harder than seeing vampire, Bill Compton, shopping in Forever 21 during Sunday’s episode of True Blood. I wonder if he picked up some fabulous finds?

Tomorrow we will be back to our regularly scheduled program – no worries, ladies – I have not forgotten that it is hump day and already have a hottie lined up to make the work week more bearable, promise. No sickness could keep me away from delivering the hotness!

Anyone want to bring me soup? Or antihistamines?

Weekend Highlights!



It’s pretty apparent we have welcomed summer here in South Florida – it’s been muggy, humid and disgusting outside. And nothing says summer quite like a pool party complete with BBQ! My friend, Adam, decided to do just that for his birthday on Saturday and we had such a great time. As always, hanging out with the AgencyNet gang was super fun and I got to break out my new bikini from Forever 21! Unfortunately, I got a little heavy handed with the booze and ended up having a classy moment at a Wafflehouse later that evening. Oops! I hope that as the summer continues we can keep rocking the pool parties – I should test out our community’s pool area, maybe I’ll throw one of my own! ;)



Sunday brought a serious case of the hangover, which was only made worse by its pairing with school work as well as work-work. Bleh. Fortunately, I was rewarded later that night with the True Blood premiere! We went to James’ home and watched it together with a group of friends. To all fellow fans, how great was that opener? I can’t wait to see how this season plays out – it looks like it is going to be amazing! Augi has already promised to set up HBO at home so we don’t miss a moment! I plan on picking up a Merlotte’s shirt to wear to Comic-Con next month – gotta show my support, afterall ;)