Lovable Friday!


1. WorkChic Blog
1. WorkChic Blog

As a girl that struggles putting together appropriate and chic outfits for the office, I can truly appreciate the advice given on the WorkChic blog. Unlike other working girl blogs, they cover a variety of different budgets as well as different levels of formality from casual to professional and everything in between. My difficulties stem from having to put together business casual outfits while knowing that I will be working with children. Plus, I tend to gravitate more towards the “fun clothes” while shopping. Hopefully by putting WorkChic on my list of favorite blogs, I can be inspired to be one hot office fashionista ;) [Read more…]

Billy Corgan gets mangry


So the Pumpkins decided to release a subscription service, which included videos from the studio, unreleased material, and vintage goodies all for $40 for 12 consecutive weeks. It sounded great to me so I signed up as being interested. Yesterday I received a “mangry” email from the man himself addressed to the 6,000 of us that thought this was a good idea.

Apparently the rest of the fans were outraged by the idea of paying for a subscription because they felt it was just another ploy by Corgan to drain the fans of their money so he could stuff it in his pockets. This, in turn, made Corgan feel less than “full of light & love” and more disappointed with the feelings of his fans and I think the music industry as a whole at this moment.

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Happy hump day: Ewan McGregor


With the success of my Happy Hump Day post, I decided to make it a weekly tradition (after a suggestion from the hubs of all people heh) & what day would be better than the mid-week hump? None of course! So sit back and enjoy as I feature a new boy every week! Today’s hottie? Ewan McGregor! He’s starred in two of my top 10 movies of all time (Moulin Rouge & Big Fish), wears big geeky glasses and is absolutely adorable. Approved!

Continue the eye candy!

Some of my favorite things: CB2 edition


I just got the new CB2 catalog in the mail & loved so many things, I decided to make a post out of it! Hopefully by posting some of my favorite items, I can inspire some of you. And, for those that have never heard of CB2, welcome to the wonderful world of both class & fun! Without further ado, here are my picks for must-haves:

Comic appetizer plates
Comic appetizer plates

$1.95 ea.

How amazing are these little plates?? The comic appetizer plates definitely speak to the comic book fan in all of us and are perfect for summer cookouts in the patio. Plus, you can’t beat the price – grab them now while they are still on sale! I know I will be.

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Weekend Highlights


Friday night I was lucky enough to join the AgencyNet gang for a night of fun, which was all put together by the chairman of awesomeness, Omar. Seriously. That’s his title. The night consisted of pizza, booze and Monsters vs. Aliens 3D at the IMAX theater! I have to say that the movie was not the most spectacular thing in the world, but it was cute. The 3D really didn’t give it that much of a boost either. I would probably recommend a rental for this one. Although I’m pretty much in love with Insectasaurus, that big crazy looking thing in the photo above. I couldn’t help but think of my baby Boston, Gwen (if you know her, you understand). On that note, I move on to Saturday…

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Lovable Friday!


1. FuerzaBruta Miami
1. FuerzaBruta Miami

The show that took New York City by storm is finally making its way to Miami. FuerzaBruta is described as being “a non-stop collision of dynamic music, visceral emotion and kinetic aerial imagery.” The audience are active members in the performance with the majority of the action taking place inches above their heads. Intrigued, right? I know I am! I hope to be able to pick up some tickets to see this infamous show at the Adrienne Arsht Center. If you want to as well, click here!

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Spotlight: Metric


This band is definitely not new to the scene, but they are new to my scene! So I figured I would share the wealth!

My good friend, Roxy, introduced me to Metric last week and I haven’t been able to pry myself away from their albums since. They have this infectious indie-pop sound that keeps their songs on repeat for days on end.

Their new album, Fantasies, took quite a while to come out but the time spent is definitely appreciated when listening through some of the tracks such as Help I’m Alive, Stadium Love and Sick Muse. Frontwoman, Emily Haines, states that the title of the album is meant to represent those of the unattainable variety as well as evoke a “dream-like quality,” which is definitely evident.

Metric has the ability to both put you at peace and make you want to rock out. Could you want anything better?
Check out their new video for Gimme Sympathy, which was all shot in one take!

Grunny invades Miami!


For those of you not familiar with the Band From TV, it is made up of Greg Grunberg and Adrian Pasdar of Heroes and a few of their fellow TV buddies. They tour around the country playing mostly covers on their off-time for various charity functions and earlier this week Grunny made an announcement that a new tour date had been added to their website.

I couldn’t have been happier to see it was a Miami show! Looks like Band from TV will be invading the Miami Shore Club on South Beach on May 16th. They are offering two price levels: $100 for general admission & $175 for VIP which includes pre-partying with the band and their friends.

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I have to admit, I felt really silly making my first Vlog and it is short & kind of awkward & ridiculous, but it has puppies. And puppies totally cancel out any awkward ridiculousness. Right? Of course.

Here you get to meet my two little furry monsters: Brad-Pitt & Gwen (Stefani). Although Gwen didn’t behave at all, Brad-Pitt was definitely trying to be a stud for the camera. My favorite part? The epic battle that ensues after I get up to turn off the camera. You gotta love those two.

You also get to meet my silly high-pitched voice (which only gets freakishly higher when excited) and my bedroom of complete disarray. I promise I am usually a very neat and organized person. Just not today apparently.

So I suppose I’m testing out these little videos of myself because I have this project in mind, but first want to test out if vlogs would even be popular on here. So leave your feedback on my silly little video. Did you like it? Did you hate it? Did you think I looked like a complete dork making an ass out of myself? Do share.

And have a lovely Tuesday. ;)

Weekend Highlights: Ratatat


When my husband bought tickets to see one of his favorite bands, Ratatat, I have to admit…I really didn’t know what to expect. Ratatat’s “style” is still kind of difficult for me to describe to others, which I had to do quite a bit of Sunday afternoon while explaining to my family that we were leaving Easter celebrations to go to a concert. “They are kind of a mixture of everything” is probably the best I can do & still stick to the same after seeing them live last night.

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