Music is my imaginary friend


It’s time for yet another mixtape! To my surprise, I was actually asked when I would be posting a new one which was super flattering. Again, nothing fancy. There was no specific theme in mind until I started compiling the songs together and realized it was going more in the mellow direction so I threw in a few what I like to call “dance dance” songs to liven it up a bit so you all don’t think I’m in a depressive funk or anything. I like to think of it as slowly building up and then closing out quietly. According to the hubs, this is the best way to compile a mixtape so let me know if he spoke the truth!

A Melificent Mix Vol. 3:
Music is My Imaginary Friend

[Mix Fun Fact:] I honestly think Third Eye Blind is the most underestimated band ever. If you’ve only heard Semi-Charmed Kind of Life, please download their other albums. Their lyrics are so powerful, but people just view them as a poppy one hit wonder band.

Weekend Highlights

Is it me or do the weekends seem to get shorter and shorter as time goes by?
I find myself gripping on to Sunday’s, hoping that they will never end, but fail.

Also irritating?
The fact that the weather has decided to be unbearably beautiful on weekdays and overcast & yucky on weekends. What’s up, Mother Nature?



I got the opportunity to swing by IKEA Friday afternoon to check out their patio furniture & was bummed to see a lot of the items I posted about last week either would not work or were out of stock (already!). Thankfully, I was able to mix & match some fun pieces I found and am super happy with the way it all panned out. Our patio is still not complete, but it is well on its way! For those of you interested in this look, it is made up of a Bollo folding table, 4 Marius stools in orange, 2 Majallby scented candles, Solig fly swatter and Solig solar operated lighting in white. Also, something that I didn’t pick up but thought was amazing was the Platta decking system, which has the power to turn any patio from blah to chic in two quick snaps! Unfortunately, I don’t know how smart that would be for us Floridians considering we would have to be removing & replacing the pieces with every hurricane threat. I wonder if there is a way to anchor them down?

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Lovable Friday!


1. Surprise Gifts
1. Surprise Gifts

I ordered a big girl item from my friend, Nadia’s, Etsy store (which I featured earlier this month) and I was excited to get the package the other night. What I wasn’t expecting was the adorable surprise included: Smashing Pumpkin clippies! For those 2 people that still do not know, I am a huge Pumpkins fan and have been since I was about 13/14 years old. Unfortunately, I just got the most terrible news also this week: Drummer, Jimmy Chamberlin, decided to leave the band. I don’t know if I can fully be behind a band with the Pumpkins’ name without Jimmy being involved. We’ll see. Either way, these clippies made me smile from ear to ear & I plan on wearing them a lot. Actually, I’m wearing them right now! I love my friends.

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IKEA Summer

Although it is only March, IKEA has already released its summer items and that means everyone better put on their running shoes!

Last year, I was super excited about their summer line, but by the time I got to the store they were completely sold out. They then managed to remain unavailable for the entirety of the season. IKEA doesn’t make it easy either by basically not offering anything through their online store. So this year I have my game face on and am ready to put up a fight!

What am I looking to pick up while I’m there?

Well, although we have a very small patio, it is a patio and needs some major TLC. We have a lot of parties at our pad and people love to hang out back there. Problem? There really is nowhere to hang out! Plus, we just got a grill and have been having BBQ’s regularly – it would be really nice to for our friends to be able to pick up their burger and be able to sit down & enjoy it outdoors. So my mission is to furnish our small, but cute patio!

Here are some of my favorite items:


I think two of these sitting next to each other would make for a great outdoor table after treated. I just have to see it person to see if it is tall enough because the website does state that it could be used as an end table or stool. Hmmm.

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Hair today, gone tomorrow.

I haven’t cut my hair for 8 months and you can tell.

I tend to hold off this long when I am trying to grow it out because I fear the stylist cutting too much and having to start all over again after I’ve made so much progress. I’m there right now. Even though I don’t want to grow my hair out super long (like it was), I still would like it to hit past my shoulders at some point this year. But right now it’s just so bleh.

So I’m going to make an appointment for next month, but I need help!
Help me pick a style – which number should I go with:

1. Nicole Richie
1. Nicole Richie
2. Kristin Cavallari
2. Kristin Cavallari
3. Random Short-haired Model
3. Random Short-haired Model

Concert Season

My hubs and I are concert goers. Seeing live music is one of my main hobbies. I enjoy it so much. There really is nothing like seeing one of your favorite bands live – experiencing the music and sharing it with your closest friends. Unfortunately, Miami doesn’t play host to many great bands but that seems to be changing as of late. We’ve had a lot of great bands coming through our area for once, which makes me really excited and hopeful that we will get even more!

This summer is especially jam packed with musical goodness. I have tickets to see 4 different artists and it’s only March! And they are all wonderful. Want to know who?


Kings of Leon
May 7th, 2009

Kings of Leon are just good rock and roll. And I’m a good rock and roll kind of girl. I was hooked on first listen and was lucky enough to see them open for Pearl Jam back last summer. They were amazing and I hoped and prayed that they would come back headlining their own show. And what do you know? Here they are! I scored floor tickets and will be sharing the fun with my good friend & forever concert buddy, Elissa. It should be tons of fun.

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Weekend Highlights

Since I don’t post on weekends, I’ve decided that maybe Monday’s should recap all the fun or maybe not-so-fun things that happened Friday through Sunday. Does that sound like a good idea? Let me know! You all know I love comments & I don’t get enough of them!

So here we go, my weekend roundup:


- I finished watching the So NoTORIous episodes. It was hilarious. I want my own GBFF.
– Gwen became very concerned while watching Tori’s pug, Mimi La Rue.
– OK, I just discovered Mimi La Rue died. Sadness! May the little ham stuffed in a doile rest in peace.

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Lovable Friday!


1. 500 Days of Summer
1. 500 Days of Summer

This movie just instantly had me. And I haven’t even seen it. In fact, it won’t come out until July but there is just something to its lovable quirkiness that makes me certain that it will be one of my all time favorites. The movie is about Tom, a hopeless romantic, that is caught off guard when his girlfriend, Summer, breaks up with him. This causes him to go back and relive all 500 days that they were together to try to see where they went wrong. Hint: it wasn’t in the fashion or looks department. These two are absolutely adorable! Check out the trailer here.

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I know you have had one of those days. The kind where everything seems to go wrong or you just cannot believe that just happened. The kind of days that make you want to punch babies. Hard.

Well, on days like those, it is always best to know that someone else’s day was worse. Way worse.

And that is what makes fmylife so ridiculously amazing.
It is a website that compiles people’s horrible stories about their embarrassing, hilarious and sometimes just plain awful experiences on a certain day causing them to say…you guessed it…fmylife.

I admit that I have spent entirely too much time on this site laughing so hard I scare innocent bystanders. Try it. You’ll be addicted.

Comic Con 2009

comicconpressI know I made mention of this in my old blog, but I figured since it is only 4 months away (!!!!) I could bring it up again here on my new pretty spot. This year, I will be attending Comic-Con International in San Diego to celebrate my 2_ birthday! I cannot be more excited for anything. Ever.

For those of you who are not familiar with Comic Con, it is ultimately a comic book convention that turned into so much more. It’s now probably one of the biggest pop culture events in the US housing all sorts of toys, art, and games along with plenty of appearances from celebrities that feed into the geek culture. Basically, it’s like Disney World for nerds. And it is fun. And we are going. And I’m so excited. Because, yes people, I am a nerd.

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