Happy Corgan Day!


A child is who I was;
A child is who I’ll die;
with soot in my hair;
& stars in my eyes

Not only is today St. Patrick’s Day, but it’s also Mr. Billy Corgan‘s birthday! That’s right, he was blessed with the luck of the Irish! That would kind of explain it all, now wouldn’t it? ;)

So happy birthday to the other man in my life. Thank you for making such amazing music that has touched so many people’s lives, including my own. Without your words and tunes, I would have not been able to make it through some tough moments in my life and continue to need you as musical therapy on a daily basis. So please stay around for a little longer, I like having you back.



Snuggie Revolution


Quite possibly the two most amazing things ever happened to me last night and they all revolved around the infamous blanket with sleeves: the Snuggie.

While out at a new club with some girlfriends, I noticed there was a woman sitting in the corner of a couch wearing a red snuggie. No joke. This chick was at a club (on South Beach no less) wrapped up in a freaking snuggie. Best part is she never took it off the entire night. This was such a momentous occasion that I had to tweet about it. And tweet I did.

On my way home, I was checking my Twitter (FYI, please don’t tweet and drive) and amongst some hilarious replies from friends, I received one in particular that literally made me laugh out loud:

SnuggieSighting: @mrszero get a picture and send to SnuggieSightings.com please

Seriously? Oh yes, it is serious.
So serious that apparently Snuggie Sighting has its own blog where they post among other things…get ready for it…Snuggie pub crawls. Yes, they exist. What I want to know is….how can we host one?

It’s a Snuggie world, people. We just live in it.

Lovable Friday!


1. So NoTORIous
1. So NoTORIous

Yes, it’s an old show. No, I never watched it. Until now. And although it makes my brain bleed because of its complete stupidity, I can’t help but love Zachary Quinto‘s character, Sasan (gah, I lurve him). Sasan is based on Tori Spelling’s real-life very gay personal assistant and Mr. Quinto nails it (a little too?) perfectly! After knowing him solely as creeptastic Sylar, there were a few moments where I literally laughed out loud at the pure ridiculousness that spewed from his mouth. Case in point: “I’m gay, Iranian, and Muslim. All my identities hate each other. It’s a miracle my complexion is as flawless as it is.” Epic.

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Don’t ever say I didn’t do anything for you


Thanks to Google Analytics and good ol’ WordPress blog stats, I have been enlightened that the more I feature pretty boys on this blog, the more visitors I get. Hmm, what does that say about all of you? ;)

Anyways, in an attempt to give you all what you want, here’s a shot of Gavin Rossdale filming a new video for the song, Forever May You Run, off his Wanderlust album. I have a feeling this video will make it into my youtube favourites bin. Just a hunch. You know, just ‘cuz.

And I have to say that I am kind of angered at Mr. Rossdale. He recently released his spring tour dates and is not coming to South Florida. Instead he’s opting to head to Orlando again. In the middle of the week again. Curse you, Gavin. Curse you & your pretty little face.


Happy Birthday(s).

Today is a pretty awesome day.
Well first off, it’s 3/11 and everyone knows I love me some 311. Secondly, it’s my mother’s birthday and lastly, it is my brother-in-law’s birthday! That’s right. My mother and brother-in-law share the same birthday. The back story is pretty hilarious – ask me about it sometime ;)


These two people have made a pretty lasting impression on my life so I deemed it only appropriate to dedicate my blog post to them both today.

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God is a DJ


A helluva crazy one!

Sunday night we were lucky enough to have tickets to see the sold out Girl Talk concert at the Culture Room. I believe our friend, Omar, is to thank for introducing us to this mashup king that goes by the stage name of Girl Talk. We were hooked almost instantaneously. It was just so much fun to listen to and Feed the Animals was definitely the album I would pop in when I needed to cheer up a bit. It’s often playing in the background as I’m doing paperwork in the office. My coworkers appreciate it. ;)

Girl Talk is known for his highly interactive live shows, often dropping all barriers and letting the audience join him on stage to better get the full effect. Our show was no different. About one minute into the set, everyone rushed the stage and Augi lifted me up to join them! Although it was super cool to be up on stage with him, watching him do his thing and groovin’, I realized I must be getting old because all the extremely young girls on stage were so violent and aggressive that I actually feared my life. No joke. It truly made me and Augi rethink our hope for a daughter – so terrifying to see the way some of these seemingly “little” girls were dancing.

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Who Watches the Watchmen?


Well…I do!

A group of us (9 to be exact) went Saturday night to the Aventura theater to watch Watchmen in one of their IMAX theaters. I had the pleasure of reading the comic before sitting down to watch the movie, and I am so glad I did. My first opinion of the movie was that someone who did not read the comic would probably not understand it or hate it altogether because it did a great job replicating the comic, which tended to be a bit disjointed. With that said, I absolutely loved it. I thought it did the comic great justice and really nailed a lot of the main characters, especially Rorschach. Some scenes were panel-perfect and a lot of the dialogue stayed true to the original. I was pleasantly surprised to see that a lot of scenes I thought would be omitted were not and I was very happy with the intro – overall, I give it two thumbs up and would love to see it again, 3 hours and all!

But, I had some gripes although few (warning: SPOILERS under cut):

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Lovable Friday!


Watchmen Premiere
1. Watchmen Premiere

Finally after what feels like a terribly long wait, the Watchmen movie premieres tonight!!! I’ve been reading the comic (almost done with all 12) and must say it is amazing. I’ve heard early reviews already and the movie seems to live up to the greatness of the comic, which is quite the feat. The hubs and I along with about 10 of our friends (no joke) have tickets for Saturday at the IMAX theater. Much excitement.

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Spotlight: The Sofia Valeria Collection

Cute Clippies!
Cute Clippies!

I am fortunate enough to have a very talented and creative group of friends. One in particular is Nadia. She is a student, mother, wife, teacher and owner of The Sofia Valeria Collection. Can you say multi-tasker?

Her line ranges from wall art to adorable clippies, all of which can be found in her Etsy store. She is constantly having sales and special offers so definitely check it out for those little ones in your life!

And as if that wasn’t enough cute in your life, Nadia just announced that she is going to begin a big girl’s line! That’s right, big girls like you and me can get in on the adorable train! After hearing some of her ideas yesterday afternoon, you will not be disappointed – they are going to make some great & sassy additions to your outfits!

So support local DIY art & give Nadia and the SV Collection some lovin’!

The Twitterverse

On my old blog, I did a very quick post about my participation on the social networking site, Twitter, but I think it has definitely blown up since then and needs further attention. ;)

I’m a huge fan of social networking (obviously) and Twitter has drastically morphed since the first day I joined a couple of years ago (I deleted my account because literally no one I knew was on it). I rejoined last year and have loved watching it become the mecca of information and interaction that it is today.

One of my favorite aspects? The influx of celebrities that have taken over Twitter and realized its potential to further connect them to their fans. There is something about reading “I just pooped” coming from one of your favorite musicians to make you realize that yes, we are all human.

Courtesy of JamesProp's Twit Pics.
Courtesy of JamesProp's Twit Pics.

One of my favorite shows, Heroes, has definitely taken it to the next level. Cast  member and general mind-reader extraordinaire, Greg Grunberg, heads up this band of merry Twits often updating with pictures from the set, ranch-loving tales or the random YOWZA! His cohorts include other cast members, makeup artists, writers and prop masters just to name a few. Thanks to the constant tweets, the show has been able to get direct feedback after each episode from its legions of fans. The best part? They interact right back with you! It’s a great time to be a fan, people. Even the LA Times agree.

Are you curious as to which famous faces I follow? Wonder no longer.

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