Comments resolved!


This is just a post to let you all know that my comments have been fixed and that you can feel free to leave me plenty of love once again!!! I’ve missed hearing from all of you and it was definitely a tough week to blog through. I felt like I could hear the crickets out in the blogosphere!

I know a lot of you said that you wanted to leave comments on certain blog posts last week, so if they are still on your mind, back track and do so!

Much love <3

Lovable Friday!


1. Sam Adams' Boston Lager
1. Sam Adams' Boston Lager

I’m currently enjoying my third Boston Lager (chill, I wrote this Thursday night) and I totally love it. Although I am a beer novice, only being introduced to the many joys a few months back, I absolutely love this one. Granted, it is no White ale (my personal favorite), but it’s delicious. It’s Friday, it’s time for celebration. Throw a few of these back in my honor. ;)

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Making Trek look good


It’s Thursday, which makes it almost Friday, which means we all need a little pick-me-up to get us through the day and one step closer to the weekend. What works best for me?

Pretty boys.
And here are two just for all of you!

Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto have just begun their tour of the world to support J.J. Abrams’ newly vamped Star Trek. It premiered in Sydney, Australia just a couple of days ago and a surprise screening was held in Austin earlier this week for a few lucky fans complete with Leonard Nimoy introduction. So that means the reviews have started rolling in. What is everyone saying? That it is a-freaking-mazing, that’s what.

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My husband and I are car lovers. I come from a long line of car love and my family boasts some pretty awesome vehicles. Don’t believe me? Check out what I opted to ride in to my wedding rather than the usual Rolls. Muscle cars are where it’s at and I have been making my family very proud ever since I purchased my meaty 2006 Mustang GT, which is an absolute blast to drive and basically the love of my life.

But I may have a mistress in my future and her name is the Nissan Cube. The Cube made her U.S. television debut on Monday night during an episode of Heroes, but she was already imprinted in my heart months prior. I blame this love affair on my husband who showed me pictures and videos of the adorable little car on a whim. We were sucked in immediately. How could you not be? First, the car couldn’t look more Japanese, which is a huge plus for me: sleek, futuristic, modern, sexy. After that, all the positives continued to roll in: starts at $13,990, 33 mpg, 6-speed manual transmission, a ridiculous amount of head room, ipod integration, wrap around rear window, “sofa styled” backseat and an array of colorful add-ons & customization options. Basically, what is there not to love?

Probably the insane dealer mark up & terribly long waiting list.



This post is brought to you by the Twitter Fail Whale.

Apparently people are getting a 404 error when trying to leave comments to certain entries and I’m really sorry about that!

Hopefully I’ll be able to get that taken care of by tonight, but I just wanted to give you all a heads up just in case you have been trying to leave some comment love & have been denied!

Melificent still loves you!
Promise ;)

Update; the comments are still down. I had my “team” on it last night & nothing could be done. Apparently it’s a WordPress glitch that they have to fix. So I will glare at you, WP, until this is taken care of.

Fashion Nugget

I absolutely love shopping. I love clothes. I am  your typical girly girl.
One of my favorite shopping tips is to look for items online. You may be able to find items that you wouldn’t usually find out at local shops. Plus, you are less likely to run into someone wearing your exact outfit (embarrassing). Since Miami isn’t the best for thrifting, it’s all I got to find original pieces. Thanks to my good friend (& fellow knottie), Roxy, I was able to discover a new site that can give you loads of inspiration when it comes to fashion: Polyvore.


Polyvore gives fashionistas the opportunity to mix and match items from their favorite stores to create perfect outfits that they can share with others. How amazing is that dress featured above? I am totally obsessed with it, but unfortunately it is only available on a UK site that charges $50 for shipping alone!

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Weekend Highlights



Saturday, as planned, the hubs and I along with some friends headed over to the Youth Fair. It was ridiculously hot & humid, but that didn’t stop us from eating a lot of fried food and taking an insane amount of photos (and video). I was surprised to see the Fair so empty. It felt like it was a weekday! But we didn’t complain, there were no lines and no large groups of obnoxious people. The highlights for me were the free petting zoo and corndogs. Later that day, we had our friends over for some beers, video games and a little ringlight action.

splitmel [Read more…]

Lovable Friday!


1. El Sanchez Photoshoots
1. El Sanchez Photoshoots

Nothing describes a more perfect weekend than going out for a photoshoot with my husband. Although photography is just his hobby, he is extremely passionate about it (as well as talented). Even though sometimes I get embarrassed when posing out in public for his shots, I always tend to love the results when I finally relax and get comfortable. This weekend we’ll be heading to the Fair for a photoshoot with a bunch of friends. Can’t wait!

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Days with My Father

Credit: Phillip Toledano
Credit: Phillip Toledano

I was struggling with today’s post. I felt like I had nothing.
And then Augi told me to sit and read the following website: Days with My Father.

I sat down with my glass of water and definitely did not expect to feel what I did for the next 10 minutes. It was probably the strongest emotions I have felt in some time.

You see, Days with My Father chronicles Phillip Toledano‘s last few years with his father after his mother’s death through both (amazing) photos & journaling. What makes it especially heart wrenching is that his father suffers from short term memory loss, thus making a lot of life one big question mark. However, through these rough times, Toledano is able to connect with his father more than ever and gets the opportunity to really get to know him.

It is the most honest and beautiful thing I have seen in some time. At times, I could barely read because my vision was blurred with tears and seconds later, I was laughing. And the same can be said for life. All of ours. This beautifully tragic journey.

Please check this site out, but make sure you have tissues nearby.

Feeling a little MUSE-ical.


Warning: This is not an April Fools Joke.

I could barely contain myself (& still really can’t) yesterday when my best friend, Elsie, told me that Muse was going to be opening for U2 on select US dates. In fact, I was so shocked, I didn’t trust her. But sure enough, after a quick google search, there it was! My proof! And as if that wasn’t good enough, one of those select dates includes a Florida one (Tampa to be exact)! I literally jumped all around our office and hugged everyone. If you don’t believe me, just ask any of my coworkers. I looked like a nut. But this is a momentous occasion. If I remember my history right, I’m pretty sure Muse has only played Florida about 3-4 times in their entire career and unfortunately were either never announced as openers or headlined very small shows like the MTV Campus Invasion tour. Although I am no longer a huge U2 fan (prefer their old stuff), I will be buying tickets on Monday when they go on sale only to finally see one of my favorite bands live. To think, this love affair all began with an obsessive rented satellite radio almost two years ago.

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